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A.V. Gryaz'kin, M.A. Novikova, Ya.A. Novikov Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.4MB )UDСUDC 630*21DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.4.81AbstractBirch is one of the tree species-pioneers. This species is light-requing, mesophyte and meso-trophe. Despite the considerable spread of birch forests, the features of development and functioning of these formations remain studied poorly. The natural regeneration of birch is one of these elements in studies of birch forests. Primarily it concerns white birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.). The emergence of birch self-seeding in the cutting is quite active during the first 2…3 years after clear cutting of forest stands. The number of undergrowth mainly depends on the age of felling stands (“age” of deforestation): the amount of undergrowth decreases with the increase of the age of felling. The structure of undergrowth in height also changes: small and medium undergrowth domi-nate in the new cutting (2–3 years), large and medium – in the old cutting. The composition and abundance of undergrowth depend on the forest type and composition of the stand be-fore cutting. The greatest number of birch undergrowth is observed in cutting in a blueberry forest type. The larger the share of birch in the stand before cutting, the higher the number of birch undergrowth in felling. The percentage of viable undergrowth is higher in the myr-tillus type, the share of dead undergrowth is less than in the sorrel forest type. The occur-rence of undergrowth is higher at its comparable number. Representation of birch under-growth by types is determined by not only the share of white birch and silver birch in the stand composition before cutting. In most cases the undergrowth of white birch dominates in cutting, as the most stable to increased soil moisture after felling of a tree stand. The ratio of these species varies depending on the forest type. White birch dominates in the under-growth in cutting in the myrtillus type, and silver birch – in the sorrel and vaccinium forest types. The number of white birch undergrowth in cutting of various ages ranges from 1.2…30.8 thousand specimens / ha.AuthorsA.V. Gryaz'kin, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor M.A. Novikova, Postgraduate Student Ya.A. Novikov, StudentAffiliationSaint Petersburg State Forest Technical University under name of S.M. Kirov, Institutskiy lane, 5, Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation; e-mail:;, jaroslavnovikov@yandex.ruKeywordsboreal forest, felling, natural regeneration, undergrowth, underbrush, field layer, silver birch, white birch.References1. Berezovye lesa Belarusi: tipy, assotsiatsii, sezonnoe razvitie i produktivnost' [Birch Forests of Belarus: Types, Associations, Seasonal Development and Productivity]. Ed. by Yu.D. Yurkevich. Minsk, 1992. 183 p. 2. Bulygin N.E. Dendrologiya [Dendrology]. Мoscow, 1985. 280 p. 3. Gavrilova O.I., Leont'eva E.A. Ob otnoshenii srednikh vysot kul'tur sosny i prime-si berezy na vyrubkakh Karelii [On the Relation of the Average Height of Pine and Birch in the Fellings in Karelia]. Uchenye zapiski PetrGU [Proceedings of Petrozavodsk State University], 2010, no. 4(117), pp. 23–29. 4. Grib V.M. Osobennosti stroeniya kornevykh sistem sosny obyknovennoy i ikh vliyanie na kachestvo lesovosstanovleniya [Features of the Structure of Scots Pine Root Systems and Their Impact on the Quality of Reforestation]. Lesnoy zhurnal, 2015, no. 2, pp. 37–49. 5. Gryaz'kin A.V. Vozobnovitel'nyy potentsial taezhnykh lesov. (Na primere el'nikov Severo-Zapada Rossii): monogr [The Renewing Potential of Boreal Forests. (The Case of Spruce Forests of the Northwest of Russia)]. St. Petersburg, 2001. 188 p. 6. Zarubina L.V., Konovalov V.N. Ekologo-fiziologicheskie osobennosti eli v berez-nyakakh chernichnykh [Ecological and Physiological Characteristics of Spruce in the Blue-berry Birch Forests]. Arkhangelsk, 2014. 378 p. 7. Pavlyuchenkov N.A. Semennoe vozobnovlenie berezy na sploshnykh vy-rubkakh s predvaritel'noy khimicheskoy podsushkoy osiny [Birch Seed Regeneration at Clean Fellings with Chemical Pre-Drying of Aspen]. Trudy Sankt-Peterburgskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta lesnogo khozyaystva [Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute], 2009, vol. 1(18), pp. 97–104. 8. Gryaz'kin A.V. Sposob ucheta podrosta [The Method of Undergrowth Account-ing]. Patent RF, no. 2084129, 1994. 9. Feklistov P.A., Amosova I.B. Morfologo-fiziologicheskie i ekologicheskie osoben-nosti berezy povisloy (Betula pendula Roth.) v taezhnoy zone [Morphological and Physio-logical and Ecological Characteristics of Birch (Betula pendula Roth.) in the Taiga Zone]. Arkhangelsk, 2013. 214 p. 10. Chuprov N.P. Bereznyaki Evropeyskogo Severa Rossii: monogr. [Birch Forests of the European North of Russia]. Arkhangelsk, 2008. 386 p. Received on December 08, 2015 Features of Natural Birch Regeneration in Cutting |
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