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Yu.I. Perepechina, O.I. Glushenkov, R.S. Korsikov Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.7MB )UDСUDC 630*585:630*587.2DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.3.77AbstractIn the second half of the 1990s as a result of the absence of state support of agricultural pro-ducers the significant areas of land were withdrawn from agricultural use. In 2011 in the course of the experimental and productive work we evaluated the newly established forests on the lands taken out of agricultural use in Bryansk region. The satellite images of the ground sample distance of 2.5 m were used. The total area of new forests in the region amounted to 120.6 thousand ha. In 2014, together with the Russian Research Institute for Silviculture and Mechanization of Forestry we evaluated woody vegetation occurred on abandoned agricultural lands and forest areas not included in the State forest register in the Gordeevsk and Krasnogorsk districts with the use of the Earth remote sensing data. The identifying of unaccounted forests on the lands of other categories was carried out in the software package ENVI 4.6 by the supervised classification with the algorithm of the mini-mum spectral distance of multispectral satellite images Landsat-8, covering the entire terri-tory of the work objects. We counted the areas and the number of plots of unrecorded forests on the lands of other categories by means of MapInfo 11.0.17 software complex. The calcu-lation was carried out according to the administrative districts, forest forming species and age groups. Currently, the area of unrecorded forests is significant and exceeds the area of the forest fund in the Krasnogorsk district by 1.4-fold, in the Gordeevsk district – by 2.2-fold. The area covered by a forest, taking into account the identified forests, in the Kras-nogorsk and Gordeevsk districts is 35.0 and 33.0 %, respectively (in the forest plan – 16.4 and 1.7 %). The forest cover percent is determined without the area of birch open stands, which occupy 5 282 ha in the Krasnogorsk district and 3 745 ha in the Gordeevsk district. The total timber reserve of the unaccounted forests is 941.3 and 919.9 thousand m3 in these districts respectively. The total stock of deposited carbon is 551.2 and 487.7 thousand tons.AuthorsYu.I. Perepechina 1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor O.I. Glushenkov 2, Сandidate of Agricultural Sciences R.S. Korsikov 2, Engineer-in-ChiefAffiliation1 Bryansk State Engineering Technological Academy, Stanke Dimitrov ave., 3, Bryansk, 241037, Russian Federation; e-mail: 2 Zaplesproject, Branch of Roslesinforg, Nikitin str., 14, Bryansk, 241021, Russian Federa-tion; e-mail: glushenkow@zaples.ruKeywordsagricultural land, space image, unaccounted forests, reserve, Earth remote sens-ing, inventory indices.References1. Glushenkov O.I. 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