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I.T. Kishchenko Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.4MB )UDСUDC 630*161.4: 630*174.754DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.4.61AbstractWe studied the features of the anatomical structure of a common pine trunk (Pinus sylvestris L.) in South Karelia (the middle taiga subzone). The objects of the research were the stands of five types of forest communities. Trunk wood cuttings were selected at a height of 1.3 m. The formulations were prepared from the cuttings and were used as the basis for the meas-urement of the width of an annual ring, of the latewood zone and the number of tracheide rows (radially) in three locations. With the improvement of the environmental conditions of habitat the intensity of the bioproduction processes in the pine stands increases. The width of the annual ring and the number of tracheide rows of trees in a bilberry pine forest are more than that in a ledum and sphagnum pine forest by 22 and 20 % respectively. The macrostructure of a pine trunk in good ecological conditions improves markedly. Thus, the width of the late tracheide zone in a bilberry pine forest is by 23 % greater than that in a ledum and sphagnum pine forest. The proportion of latewood in the formation of the annual ring is independent on the type of the studied growth conditions, varying in the range of 47…50 %. With the improvement of the tree location in the forest canopy the value of the annual radial growth of a trunk and the proportion of latewood increase substantially. The width of the annual rings and the number of tracheide rows of trees of the I growth class in a bilberry pine forest are more than of trees of the II−III and IV−V growth classes by 6, 17, 44 and 57 % respectively. The width of the late tracheids zone of trees of the I growth class in a bilberry pine forest is greater than that of trees of the II−III and IV−V growth classes by 25 and 41 % respectively, and the proportion of latewood − by 15…19 %.AuthorsI.T. Kishchenko, Doctor of Biological Sciences, ProfessorAffiliationPetrozavodsk State University, Lenin ave., 33, Petrozavodsk, 185640, Russian Federation; е-mail: ivanki@karelia.ruKeywordswood anatomy, forest type, growth and development class, Pinus sylvestris L.References1. Antonova G.F., Stasova V.V. Formirovanie godichnogo sloya drevesiny stvolov sosny obyknovennoy i listvennitsy sibirskoy [Formation of the Annual Ring of Trunk Wood of Scots Pine and Siberian Larch]. Lesovedenie [Russian Journal of Forest Science], 1992, no. 5, pp. 19–27. 2. Babich N.A., Melekhov V.I., Antonov A.M., Klevtsov D.N., Konovalov D.Yu. 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