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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Taxonomic Composition and Systematic Dendroflora Structure in Belozersk

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M.M. Andronova

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Studies of the choice of the ingredients and optimization of ratios of composite polymeric structures and target additives are necessary for the development of the technology of pellet-ed seeds and their subsequent use in the forest nursery economy. It will allow the more ra-tional use of expensive seeds and provide the forest planting by the standard planting mate-rial. Seeds of Scotch pine from the first to the third quality classes have been studied. The weight of 1000 pieces of seeds varied from 6.35 to 7.83 g, and the purity – from 96.0 to 99.1 %. The laboratory researches on the determination of viability and energy of germi-nation of pelleted seeds of conifers were carried out by the technique developed by the au-thors. We used plastic germinators and double crepe filter paper. The height of one tooth of crepe filter paper was 20±1 mm. The optimum values of concentration of ingredients of the polymeric structure for the maximum values of moisture-holding ability and durability at a gap were various. The comparison of the significance coefficients allowed defining the following optimum ratios of the components in the polymeric composition (wt, %): vegeta-ble polysaccharides based on pine – 62…70; sodium carboxymethyl cellulose – 7…12; sap-ropel – 5…9; water. The best quality indicators of the received pelleted seeds were observed in the variants with the shared use of vegetable polysaccharides with the particles of the size of 350…400 microns. The strength of the coated seed pellets under compression of the frac-tions was maximum and made 34…37 N. Analysing the received test batches of pelleted seeds in these variants of the experiment we can assert that nearly 100 % of seeds have the optimum uniform size of granules, and their strength (20…30 N) allows using similar seeds in mechanized planting in the forest nurseries for the cultivation of planting material.


M.M. Andronova, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service, Shchetinin str., 2, Vologda, 160002, Russian Federation; е-mail:


dendroflora, landscaping, town, introducers, extrazonal species, family, shrub.


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Received on February 09, 2015

Taxonomic Composition and Systematic Dendroflora Structure in Belozersk


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