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А.А. Tambi, A.N. Chubinskiy Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.6MB )UDС630*812DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.3.124AbstractPrediction of physical and mechanical properties of wood is an essential and actual problem in the production of the structural lumber. In case of inconsistency of density and the struc-tural strength of the structural lumber with the calculation characteristics it cannot be used in the production of load-bearing structures, which reduces the material ratio of wood and in-creases the cost of the finished products. We have developed a method of estimating the density of wood of the service moisture content at the stage of harvesting, based on an as-sessment of the basic wood density that allows us to assign the certain qualitative felling indices prior to the logging operations. The investigations were carried out for the groups of pine and spruce model trees harvested in the different parts of Leningrad region. The criteri-on for assessing the quality of the stands we adopted the wood density at a moisture content of 12 %. As a result we obtained the models describing the connection between the basic wood density of pine and spruce and wood density with a moisture content of 12 % in the merchantable part of a trunk. The introduction of the developed method in the forestry prac-tice is possible through the introduction of the felling indices indicating the qualitative char-acteristics of growing trees and their conformity to the certain types of products based on the customers desired density of wood. The felling coincidence index in the list of the survivor characteristics allows us to define the roundwood materials according to value. The research is carried out within the framework of the works on the subject of GR 01201463693.AuthorsА.А. Tambi, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor A.N. Chubinskiy, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, ProfessorAffiliationSaint Petersburg State Forest Technical University under name of S.M. Kirov,Institutskiy per., 5, Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation; е-mail: Keywordsbasic wood density, density function, physical properties of wood, felling index.References1. Grigor'ev I.V., Grigor'eva O.I., Nikiforova A.I., Kunitskaya O.A. Obos-novanie metodiki otsenki ekologicheskoy effektivnosti lesopol'zovaniya [Justification of Methodol-ogy for Environmental Performance Evaluation of Forest Management]. Vestnik KrasGAU [the Bulletin of KrasGAU], 2012, no 6, pp. 72–77. 2. Danilov D.A. Zakonomernosti strukturnykh izmeneniy v sosnovykh i elovykh drevostoyakh na ob"ektakh kompleksnogo ukhoda za lesom: avtoref. dis. … kand. s.-kh. nauk [Patterns of Structural Change in the Pine and Spruce Stands at the Objects of the For-est Total Care: Cand. Agric. Sci. Diss. Abs.]. Saint Petersburg, 2011. 21 p. 3. Pal'chikov S.B., Baranov A.F. 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