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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Methodology of Remote Monitoring of Forest Stands and Transport Wood Flows

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S.P. Sannikov, E.F. Gerts, A.A. D'yachkova

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The paper presents a remote monitoring system based on the radio-frequency identification with the use of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. When stand monitoring and timber transfer we use the information technology of data acquisition and processing about the state of a stand and wood origin. The purpose of the work is the use of the RFID tech-nology for forest stands monitoring and timber transfer by the federal and regional roads. The main objective is to establish the technical capabilities of the RFID technology in the forest management, as well as the identification of the main criteria of remote monitoring for the operational forest management and logging in the framework of sustainable forest management. We use the methods of mathematical modeling of the radio waves in a forest, which contain a tool for the practical implementation of this concept. We have investigated and evaluated the possible features and applications of the RFID devices for remote monitoring of the forest stands and round wood. The results explaining the methodology of the timber transfer control are presented in the form of graphs and formulas. The paper consid-ers a number of feasible directions in the use of the RFID tags: an automated control to pre-vent the illegal felling of certain forest areas of significant commercial value; informational provision and supply of safety of wood with a simultaneous legality checking of origin; ear-ly fire prevention; establishment of the permanent samples with the formation of a “personi-fied” database of the survivor characteristics; automated accounting and valuation of wood resources in the localized areas of a forest; navigation in the control systems of production machines in felling, including selective cutting. The proposed control of the standing crops uses the informational technologies of data acquisition and processing about their condition, as well as data of the transported timber origin.


S.P. Sannikov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist E.F. Gerts, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor A.A. D'yachkova, Postgraduate Student


Ural State Forest Engineering University, Sibirsky tract, 37, Yekaterinburg, 620100,
Russian Federation; е-mail:,,


illegal felling, stand monitoring, legality checking of origin, timber transfer, RFID tag, radio frequency identification.


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Received on December 09, 2015

Methodology of Remote Monitoring of Forest Stands and Transport Wood Flows


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