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A.A. Afonin, S.A. Zaytsev Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.5MB )UDС57.034 + 630*561.21 + 633.878.31DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.3.66AbstractThe paper proves the urgency and summarizes the current state of studying the cyclicity of the average daily radial growth of bearing shoots of European willow (Salix Alba L.). The research demonstrates the certain laws in the cyclicity of the average daily radial growth of bearing shoots of European willow as exemplified by the even-aged genetically aligned ma-terial grown in the homogeneous environment. The synthetic process of the study subject, i.e. the outbred families of European willow, is described. The paper presents the method of studying the source data and construction of aligned empirical series of dynamics of the average daily radial growth. Each empirical series is treated as a realization of random func-tion. We propose an algorithm for calculating the mathematical expectations of random functions, which is based on the summation of the trend and cyclical components. The re-sults of the research of rhythmicity of the average daily radial growth of uneven-aged bear-ing shoots are presented. Two basic types of empirical series of dynamics of the average daily radial growth are described. The 1st type is characterized by a clearly expressed period of the mid-summer relative rest without the preceding local maximum. The 2nd type is characterized by a local maximum of the average daily radial growth before the mid-summer minimum. The paper analyzes the structure of mathematical expectations of ran-dom functions. The sequential introduction of the cyclical components increases the reliabil-ity of the approximation of the empirical series. Cyclical components vary in several param-eters: a period and amplitude. We identify the long and short periodic cyclical components of the mathematical expectations of random functions. Long-periodic cyclical components make the main contribution to the dynamics of the average daily radial growth (in most cas-es, the period is of 48...54 days). Long-periodic cyclical components characterize the shoot system of an individual as a whole. Short-periodic cyclical components characterize the uneven-aged shoots within the shoot systems. The contribution of short-periodic cyclical components (the periods are of 13...36 days) in the overall dynamics of the average daily radial growth is determined by their interference. The local extreme points of the empirical series of dynamics are determined by a combination of additional endogenous rhythms with different frequencies and amplitude. Cyclical components of random functions are considered as the genetic morphogenesis programs. We have determined the influence of the individual characteristics of the plants on the general dynamics of the average daily radi-al growth of bearing shoots.AuthorsA.A. Afonin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor S.A. Zaytsev, Postgraduate StudentAffiliationBryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky, Bezhitskaya str., 14, Bryansk, 241036, Russian Federation; e-mail: afonin.salix@gmail.comKeywordsEuropean willow, bearing shoots, radial growth, daily gain, endogenous biologi-cal rhythms, cyclic components.References1. Afonin A.A. Izmenchivost' pobegov ivy beloy [Variability of White Willow Shoots]. Lesnoy zhurnal, 2003, no. 2–3, pp. 15–18. 2. Afonin A.A. Sravnitel'naya morfodinamika odnoletnikh pobegov iv Bryanskogo lesnogo massiva: monogr. [Comparative Morphodynamics of Willow Annual Shoots of a Bryansk Forestland]. Bryansk, 2011. 145 p. 3. Afonin A.A. 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