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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Mathematical Modeling of the Scheme of the Pine Forest Types of BryanskRegion on the Basis of the Resource and Ecological Zoning

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M.V. Ustinov, O.I. Glushenkov, R.S. Korsikov

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Due to the complex geological conditions of Bryansk region, an important issue is the im-provement of the forest types scheme used by the forest management. The fundamental in-dicators in the description of the forest areas are a forest type sensu V.N. Sukachev; a forest site type sensu P.S. Pogrebnyak; a quality class according to the scales of M.M. Orlov. These three classifications, with their advantages and disadvantages, are firmly included in the practice of forestry. The purpose of the research is to define the relationship between the forest site types and the quality classes, and refinement the existing scheme of the pine for-est types of natural origin in the forests of the region. The objectives of the research are the plantations of natural origin with a predominance of Scots pine. The features of 47181 plants are used to simulate the dynamics of height of pine forest stands. Scots pine of natural origin is dominated in the structure of these stands. The area of these pine forests is 177093 ha. Plantings are represented by sixteen forest site types (A0...A5, B2...B5, C2...C5, D2, D3). The mathematical model of the height dynamics of pine stands according to the forest site types is developed. All the coefficients of the equation for the forest site types, soil produc-tivity classes and the average temperature of the warmest month in the year are obtained at the significance level of ? <0.05; R2 = 0.914. The deviations of average height calculated according to the mathematical model, from an average height of forest stands in the experi-mental plots are ± 0.5 %. The possible quality classes of pine forests according to the forest site types are defined with the use of a model of the height dynamics. The obtained results allowed us to clarify the scheme of the forest types in Bryansk region.


M.V. Ustinov1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor O.I. Glushenkov2, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences R.S. Korsikov2, Chief Engineer


1Bryansk State Engineering Technological Academy, S. Dimitrov ave., 3, Bryansk, 241037, Russian Federation; e-mail:
2Zaplesproekt, Branch of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Roslesinforg, Nikitin str., 14, Bryansk, 241021, Russian Federation; e-mail:


forest site type, forest type, quality class, mathematical modeling, height.


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Received on May 13, 2015

Mathematical Modeling of the Scheme of the Pine Forest Types of BryanskRegion on the Basis of the Resource and Ecological Zoning


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