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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Relation Features of Forest Stands and Ground Vegetation in Artificial Phytocenosis of Populus Balsamifera L. and Populus Nigra L.

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N.V. Kovylin, O.P. Kovylina, N.V. Sukhenko

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The paper analyzes the relationship between a forest stand and a living ground cover in the artificial plant communities of Populus balsamifera L. and Populus nigra L. in a steppe. Ob-jectives of the research are to determine the linear growth indexes of the poplar plantations, their safety at the age of 42 years, characteristics of a living ground cover; to select domi-nants and co-dominants, environmental groups; to differentiate the species of a living ground cover into the groups depending on the structure of the underground organs; to de-termine the share of graminaceous plants in the structure of phytomass land reserves of a living ground cover in the poplar plantations. Herbaceous vegetation consumes a huge amount of soil moisture and dehydrates the soil and therefore has a high competitive ability. The most significant negative impact of a grass layer is observed in the dry and very dry types of the sites, where the struggle for moisture is the most intense. Thinned and poor stands are unable to resist the invasion of light-demanding, well-seeded and vegetatively moving weed, steppe and meadow grasses, which eventually become edificators and sub-edificators of the community and cause death of the plants. The creation of artificial planta-tions causes the changes in the species composition of the ground cover in comparison with the steppe plant community; species composition is saturated with the adventitious species. As a result of the steppe lands plowing in the first phase the soil treatment leads to the unifi-cation of the ground cover, the introduction of the ruderal species and reduction in the com-position of the steppe species. In the future, with the artificial plants growing under the can-opy of a tree layer the specific species composition of the ground vegetation is formed, which is different from the species composition of the steppe phytocenosis. Despite the sim-ilarity in the growth of the tree layer we observe a change in the structure of the ground cover under the canopy of balsam poplar and black poplar. The greatest number of species is observed in the balsam poplar plantations. The resources of aboveground phytomass, share of the ruderal graminaceous plants, and amount of the rhizomatous species are higher in the black poplar plantations.


N.V. Kovylin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor O.P. Kovylina, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor N.V. Sukhenko, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor


Siberian State Technological University, Mira ave., 82, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russian Fed-eration; e-mail: kovylin.nik@yа


artificial plant communities, balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.), black pop-lar (Populus nigra L.), living ground cover, Jaccard and differential similarity coefficient.


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Received on March 16, 2015

Relation Features of Forest Stands and Ground Vegetation in Artificial Phytocenosis of Populus Balsamifera L. and Populus Nigra L.


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