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S.V. Zalesov, A.V. Dancheva, A.V. Ebel', E.D. Ebel' Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.5MB )UDС630*24(374)DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.2.21AbstractBased on the materials of the research carried out in the permanent study areas we analyzed the silvicultural effectiveness of the improvement cutting in the pine forests of Kazakh up-land for 58-year period. The improvement cutting in the dry pine forests of Kazakh upland (pine forests of a dead-lichen type) carried out in the 35-year-old pure pine stand even 58 years after can not provide a stock volume similar to that in the control stands where thin-ning has not been carried out. At the same time the improvement cutting minimize the attri-tion and increase a mean diameter of a stand, which improves the commercial value of cul-tivated stands, resistance to adverse natural and anthropogenic factors (recreation, forest fires, etc.), and increases the recreational appeal. Pine plantations of this forest type are characterized by high responsiveness to thinning. Even with a decrease in the relative densi-ty in 35-years of age less than 0.5, they maintain stability and by age of 93 (in 58 years after thinning) reproduce the relative density of a normal stand. As thinning improves the sustain-ability of pine plantations, and all the forests of Kazakh upland belong to the protective pur-pose forests, we can recommend conducting moderate thinning on stock volume by low thinning in the close 30–40-year-old pine forests of a dead-lichen type.AuthorsS.V. Zalesov1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor A.V. Dancheva2, Сandidate of Agricultural Sciences A.V. Ebel'2, Сandidate of Agricultural Sciences E.D. Ebel'2, Сandidate of Agricultural SciencesAffiliation1Ural State Forest Engineering University, Sibirskiy trakt, 37, Yekaterinburg, 620110, Russian Federation; е-mail: prec-nir@usfeu.ru2Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Forestry, Kirov str., 58, Shchuchinsk, 021704, Kazakhstan; e-mail: Keywordsimprovement cutting, pine forest, Kazakh upland, thinning intensity, thinning method, stand density, attrition, growth, permanent study area, silvicultural effectiveness.References1. Zalesov S.V., Dancheva A.V., Mukanov B.M., Ebel' A.V., Ebel' E.I. Rol' rubok ukhoda v povyshenii pozharoustoychivosti sosnyakov Kazakhskogo melkosopochnika [The Role of Improvement Cutting in the Fire Resistance of Pine Forests in Kazakh Upland]. Agrarnyy vestnik Urala [Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals], 2013, no. 6(112), pp. 64–68. 2. Zalesov S.V., Zoteeva E.A., Magasumova A.G., Shvaleva N.P. Osnovy fitomoni-toringa [Fundamentals of Phytomonitoring]. Yekaterinburg, 2007. 76 p. 3. Zalesov S.V., Zubov S.A., Lopatin K.I., Luganskiy N.A. Lesovodstvenno-ekonomicheskoe obosnovanie programm rubok ukhoda v sosnyake yagodnikovom na Sred-nem Urale [Silvicultural and Economic Justification of the Thinning Programs in a Berrying Pine Forest in the Middle Urals]. Lesa Urala i khozyaystvo v nikh, 1993, no. 16, pp. 57–73. 4. Zalesov S.V., Luganskiy N.A. Povyshenie produktivnosti sosnovykh lesov Urala [Increasing the Productivity of Pine Forests of the Urals]. Yekaterinburg, 2002. 331 p. 5. Izyumskiy P.P. Rubki promezhutochnogo pol'zovaniya v ravninnykh lesakh [In-termediate Use Felling in Plain Forests]. Moscow, 1969. 152 p. 6. Izyumskiy P.P. Vliyanie rubok ukhoda na rost nasazhdeniy [The Influence of Thinning on the Plants Growth]. Lesnoe khozyaystvo, 1970, no. 2, pp. 23–26. 7. Luganskiy N.A., Abramova L.P., Zalesov S.V., Pavlov A.N. Rubki ukhoda v ked-rovykh lesakh s primeneniem selektsionnogo metoda [Thinning in Pine Forests by the Se-lection Method]. Lesnoy zhurnal, 2008, no. 4, pp. 7–12. 8. Sennov S.N. Ukhod za lesom: Ekologicheskie osnovy [Forest Management: Eco-logical Basis]. Moscow, 1984. 128 p. 9. Sennov S.N. Rubki ukhoda za lesom v sovremennykh usloviyakh [Improvement Cutting under Current Conditions]. Leningrad, 1987. 52 p. 10. Sennov S.N. O verkhovom metode rubok ukhoda za lesom [On the Crown Thin-ning]. Lesnoy zhurnal, 1989, no. 4, pp. 5–6. 11. Fel'dman Ya.N. Klimat Severnogo Kazakhstana [The Climate of Northern Ka-zakhstan]. Moscow; Leningrad, 1960. 42 p. 12. Chibisov G.A. Biologicheskaya produktivnost' sosnyakov, formiruemykh rubka-mi ukhoda [Biological Productivity of Pine Forests Formed by Thinning]. Lesnoy zhurnal, 1997, no. 5. pp. 7–16. Received on January 22, 2015 Silvicultural Effectiveness of Improvement Cutting in the Pine Forests of Kazakh Upland |
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