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V.S. Shalaev, V.K. Teplyakov Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.5MB )UDС630*971DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.3.9AbstractThe International Union of Forest Research Organizations – IUFRO is one of the oldest international organizations related to the natural resources, especially forests, their protection, reproduction and rational use. It was found in 1892 by three German-speaking countries of Central Europe (Austria, Germany and Switzerland), and currently IUFRO has become a global organization, represented by more than 15000 researchers and experts in nearly 700 member organizations from more than 110 countries. 15 organizations of our country became the IUFRO members since 1947. In 1930–1960 the Russian scientists did not participate in the IUFRO congresses. The breakthrough has happened after the congresses in 1961–1967, and since then Russia (the USSR) was presented in all IUFRO congresses and the IUFRO board. The participation of the Russian scientists, professors, and administrators in the IUFRO started in 1896, when Russia participated in the IUFRO convention for the first time. Since then, Professor G.F. Morozov and others have represented our country in this organization. The academicians V.N. Sukachev, I.S. Melekhov, N.P. Anuchin, A.S. Isaev, N.A. Moiseev should be mentioned. The participation of the Russian scientists and professors, students, postgraduate students and management staffs in the IUFRO activities and its executive boards is very important and necessary, especially in the modern period for better integration of the Russian forest science into the international scientific space. Mean while, the integration level of the Russian forest science in the international scientific community needs to be improved and requires an increasing the size and quality of the state support. The current level of participation of the Russian forest sector experts in the IUFROactivities gives a hope for a positive development and further integration of the Russian forest science into the international scientific space. AuthorsV.S. Shalaev1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor V.K. Teplyakov2, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, ProfessorAffiliation1Moscow State Forest University, 1st Institutskaya str., 1, Мytishchi-5, Moscow Region, 141005, Russian Federation; e-mail: 2Seoul National University, SNU, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-921, Korea (Rep);e-mail: Keywordshistory, International Union of Forest Research Organizations, Russian organizations, forest science.References1. Kashtanov A.N., Turusov V.I. 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