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Lesnoy Zhurnal

New Sawmill Modules for the Flexible Automated Sawmill Lines

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G.F. Prokof’ev, N.Yu. Miklovtsik, A.M. Tyurin

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DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.1.131


The greatest economic and social impact in the sawmilling can be achieved by deep pro-cessing of raw materials, using the intensive development of production, at which the max-imum output of high consumer quality is achieved with the minimal consumption of raw materials, energy and human resources. The flexible automated sawing lines (FASL), corre-sponding to the third level of the sawmill intensification (application of high technologies), can use as the sawmill equipment the sawmills, band and circular saws, including the sawing modules with the possibility of their positioning at a distance from each other, de-pending on the plan for cutting materials. To ensure the high efficiency of the FASL the saw modules should possess high reliability, provide the required precision of cutting and low loss in kerf, have small sizes and metal consumption. This can be achieved by creating the sawmill modules with the saw aerostatic guides. At the Department of Technical Engineer-ing of the Institute of Energy and Transport of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University un-der the guidance of professor G. Prokofiev the new sawmill modules for FASL are created. A design of a band saw with a saw moving along the curvilinear aerostatic bearing is of-fered, scientifically grounded and technically well-developed. The machine refers to the resource-saving sawmill equipment. The certificates of authorship support the originality of technical solutions. A development sawing machine with the bandpass unstretched saws, reciprocating in the aerostatic guides, is created. This machine does not have any foreign analogs. As distinct from a saw frame it does not have any swing frame, tensioning grapples and saw blade gauges. Testing of the machine under near-production conditions has yielded the positive results. Work is in progress to create a circular saw machine with a cylinder saw. The paper also describes one embodiment of such machine. The sawing material passes through the central portion of a saw, so its diameter is smaller than that of the arbour tradi-tional design machines. The temperature difference along the radius of the saw blade is re-duced, that increases the saw stability and sawing accuracy. A cylinder saw is put on a plat-ter with the function of a steering disk.


G.F. Prokof’ev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences N.Yu. Miklovtsik, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor A.M. Tyurin, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Lekturer


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; е-mail:;;


new technologies, flexible automated sawing line, sawmills module, band saw with a saw moving along the curvilinear aerostatic bearing, timber saw with the unstretched bandpass saws, circular saw machine with a cylinder saw.


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Received on April 09, 2015

New Sawmill Modules for the Flexible Automated Sawmill Lines


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