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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Impact of Thinning and Nitrogen on Seasonal Dynamics of Pine and Spruce Root Respiration

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L.V. Zarubina, V.N. Konovalov

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DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.1.100


The paper studies the seasonal dynamics of pine and spruce root respiration in the northern taiga plant communities, depending on the light conditions and nitrogenous nutrition. The highest respiration rate (releasing CO2) of roots of woody plants is observed in June and July in the period of the growth of the vegetative organs. In August when the shoot growth is completed, the intensity of pine and spruce root respiration rate decreases in spite of the favorable weather conditions. In July the respiration rate of absorbing pine roots in a lichen pine forest at the temperature of 20.0 ?C is 1.52 mg CO2 per g needle dry weight. In August the respiration rate at the same temperature does not normally exceed 1.09 mg CO2. Selective cutting in the bilberry birch forests increases in 5–8 years the illumination under the canopy by 25–35 thous. lx, reduces the warming-up period of a soil root zone up to the root active temperature by 2 weeks, intensifies the root respiration rate of the overtopped spruce by 1.4– 1.9 times. The illumination necessary for the efficient root activity of the overtopped spruce in the 53-, 59-years-old birch forests is reached by cutting of 50–52 % of birch growing stock. Nitrogen fertilizers, applied in the lichen pine forests and bilberry birch forests, increase the root respiration rate of pine and spruce by 1.4–1.7 times and intensify physiological activity of a tree. The nitrogen dosage necessary for the efficient activity of the tree root systems is approximately 180 kg of the primary nutrient per 1 ha. Both the increase and deficiency of a nitrogen dosage under the normal climate conditions reduce the energy rate of pine and spruce roots, disturb the physiological activity and growth rate in the aboveground tree portions. In the rainy conditions they intensify CO2 releasing rate by the roots. Selective cutting in the bilberry birch forests intensifies the root activity of the overtopped spruce. Positive influence of nitrogen applied in the forest stands on the root respiratory metabolism as a result of the root competition for food is slightly reduced. According to the intensity of roots breathing, it is possible to define and set the parameters of thinning out of wood canopy and a dose of mineral feed for the highest productivity of plantings.


L.V. Zarubina1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor V.N. Konovalov2, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor


1Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy by N.V. Vereshchagin, Schmidt st., 2, Molochnoe, Vologda, 160555, Russian Federation; e-mail: Liliva270975@yandex.ru2Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; e-mail:


root respiration, pine, spruce, nitrogen, cutting.


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Received on October 15, 2014

Impact of Thinning and Nitrogen on Seasonal Dynamics of Pine and Spruce Root Respiration


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