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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Provenance Trials of English Oak (Quercus robur L.) in the Mari El Republic

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S.V. Kirillov, A.A. Teplykh, V.V. Bochkova, V.A. Martynov

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DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.1.83


The conservation, height, diameter and stem quality of provenance trials of 22 climatic types of English oak in the Mari El Republic were analyzed. The plantations were founded in 1976 by order of the State Forestry Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The acorns of oak of each climatype were inoculated into the wells (1.5?0.75 m) by 14 rows in the block (20?100 m). The test was conducted in two replications. Investigating the provenance trials of oak in 2012 we defined a height and diameter of 50 tree stems at a height of 1.3 m and total quantity of trees in block at a sample plot of 2000 m2. The young growth of oak of different origin varies considerably in height, diameter of a stem and capacity for survival. The average height of the trees of different climatypes varies from 7.75…16.00 m. The variability of the height of a stem is significant within the climatype. It varies from 16.1 %...46.1 %. The height of the trees of different replications of one climatype does not differ. The average stem diame-ter varies from 3.9…9.0 cm. The variability of the stem diameter within the climatype is 25.6 %...63.3 %. The diameters of the stems of different replications within climatype differ. Ca-pacity for survival of trees in different climatypes is from 0.6 %...12.0 %. Comparison of growth of oak of local origin in the forest zone shows that the heights, diameters and capacity for survival of these progenies from different forest areas of the Mari El Republic vary. The results of the study demonstrate the influence of provenance on the main characteristics of stems of oak and on capacity for survival. The dependence on belonging to the oak population and individual peculiarities are found out. The climatypes of oak with the best features of height, diameter, stem quality and capacity for survival are established.


S.V. Kirillov1, Сandidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Teplykh2, Сandidate of Biological Sciences V.V. Bochkova2, Department Chair V.A. Martynov2, Engineer


1Volga State University of Technology, Lenin sq., 3, Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Republic, 424000, Russian Federation; е-mail: klk@volgatech.net2Forest Protection Center of the Mari El Republic, Komsomolskaya st., 83, Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Republic, 424004, Russian Federation; е-mail:


English oak, provenance trials, climatype.


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Received on April 16, 2015

Provenance Trials of English Oak (Quercus robur L.) in the Mari El Republic


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