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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Use of the Materials of Close Mapping Satellite Acquisition for the Siberian Larch Assessment in the Arkhangelsk Region

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A.P. Bogdanov, R.A. Aleshko, K.V. Shoshina, S.A. Demidenko

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DOI: 10.17238/ISSN0536-1036.2016.1.74


Conservation and restoration of larch is an important task of timber industry complex of the Arkhangelsk region because of the special qualities of wood. Taking into consideration the complexity of taxation and the high cost of field research, the paper analyzes the experience of research work on the definition of larch with the use of data of close mapping satellite acquisi-tion based on binary classification algorithm. The crowns of the trees of the Siberian larch were allocated in the geoinformation environment QuantumGIS using the information collect-ed in the field. As the initial data the very fine images GeoEye–1 were used (the spatial resolu-tion – 0.5 m per pixel; the spectral resolution – 3 visible ranges, the nearest is infrared). Sever-al crowns of trees were selected at the image. They were marked in the field with the use of global positioning devices. On the basis of the selected standards of crowns the binary classifi-cation algorithm was applied. The apparent advantage of the paper is the classification of de-coding signs of larch: a larch crown is of light purple color at a combination of channels the nearest infrared spectrum – red – green; reflected sunlight in the dense stands gives the infor-mation not only about a sparse larch crown, but the second tier, often changing the tone in dependence on its composition and the structure of the soil cover. The result of the algorithm is the raster grid. Its cells are the probability of belonging of a pixel to the required class. The experimental estimation of the threshold value was conducted for the cut-off purpose of the pixels for which the probability of belonging to the class of “larch” was low. A sufficient threshold of reliability was 0.5. The reference value of the larch outlines mostly coincides with the obtained classified pixels of the image. There is a high reliability of the obtained data in comparison with the field studies. The resulting technique of automated decoding of larch can be applied for the other species at the forest inventory of the Arkhangelsk region.


A.P. Bogdanov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences R.A. Aleshko, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor K.V. Shoshina, Senior Lecturer S.A. Demidenko, Senior Lecturer


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; е-mail:


Siberian larch (Larix sibirica), technique of thematic decoding, satellite images, binary classification.


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Received on March 25, 2015

Use of the Materials of Close Mapping Satellite Acquisition for the Siberian Larch Assessment in the Arkhangelsk Region


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