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S.N. Tarkhanov Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.7MB )UDС631.524.6:582.9DOI:DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.1.37AbstractAnalysis of the lichen cover reveals the influence of technogenic pollution at the very initial stages of forest ecosystems degradation, when changes at phytocenosis are not yet regis-tered. The purpose of our research is to study the accumulation of sulfur and heavy metals in the thallus of epiphytic lichens and the impact of aerotechnogenic pollution on the total pro-jective cover of the tree trunks. The research was carried out by conventional methods in the sampling areas of the blueberry spruce forests and sphagnum pine forests in the Northern Dvina basin and the White Sea-Kuloi plateau. The estimation of sulfur and heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Hg) in thallus of Hypogymnia rhysodes (L.) Nyl. in different growing con-ditions is given. The total projective cover of tree trunks of pine and birch by the epiphytic lichens is determined. The results demonstrate the regional (from the local emission sources) environmental contamination of thallus of epiphytic lichens by sulfur. Their heavy metal contamination is insignificant due to the absence of major metallurgical and mining and processing plants, and close to the background level. The general trend of aerotechnogenic transformation of epiphytic lichens is to reduce their projective cover because of the air pol-lution, especially by the sulfur compounds. The direct links of total cover of the phorophit trunks by epiphytic lichens with the distance to the Arkhangelsk pulp and paper mill and heating enterprises are established. The total cover decreases with the approach to the source of emissions. This corresponds to the nature of the degradation of epiphytic lichen cover in the forest plantations of other industrial regions.AuthorsS.N. Tarkhanov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Senior Research OfficerAffiliationInstitute of Ecological Problems of the North, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 23, Arkhangelks, 163000, Russian Federation; e-mail: tarkse@yandex.ruKeywordsepiphytic lichens, Hypogymnia рhysodes (L.) Nyl., sulfur, heavy metals, total projective cover, atmospheric pollutionReferences1. Anderson F.K., Treshou M. Reaktsiya lishaynikov na atmosfernoe zagryaznenie [Reaction of Lichens on Air Pollution]. Zagryaznenie vozdukha i zhizn' rasteniy [Air Pollu-tion and Plant Life]. Leningrad, 1988, pp. 295–326.2. Lobanova O.A., Nadein A.F., Tarkhanov S.N., Kocherina E.V. Khimicheskiy sostav osadkov i snezhnogo pokrova kak pokazatel' aerotekhnogennogo zagryazneniya okruzhayushchey sredy Arkhangel'skoy aglomeratsii [Chemical Composition of Precipita-tion and Snow Cover as an Indicator of Aerotechnogenic Pollution of the Environment of the Arkhangelsk Agglomeration]. 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