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Lesnoy Zhurnal

European Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis in Terms of Western Podolia of Ukraine

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I.N. Kul'banskaya

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The paper summarizes the results of a study of symptoms, prevalence and harmfulness of the most common and dangerous European ash disease – tuberculosis. Pathogen is a patho-genic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. savastanoi (Smith 1908), that affects trunks, branches, browses and ash inflorescences. The stages of disease pathogenesis, provided by a brief description of the pathogen are dedicated. It is established that bacteria can infect the trees starting from one–two years of age. Thus, instead of a smooth greenish-gray crust there are formed small ellipsoid soft tumors due to the local bark exfoliation and filling of voids by gray sticky bacterial odorless mass. In time, the affected trunk parts become more flat and cracked, cambium and phloem in the middle part die and deteriorate. A crack is formed in the center of tuberculous formation, which eventually occludes. Every year new for-mation of tuberculous affects cover the length and perimeter of a trunk. As a result, the spe-cific perennial affects are formed, resembling scab. The young ash coppice is of a high sus-ceptibility to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, especially a coppice shoot, which is often affect-ed (in varying degrees of illness) to 80…100 % of plants. The harmful entomofaunal forms, which are presented by Ligniodes enucleator Panz., Dasineura fraxini Kieff., Prociphilus nidificus Loew., Fonscolombea fraxini Kalt., Psyllopsis fraxini L., Tortrix convayana F., Pseudargyrotoza conwayana and others are found on genesic organs of ash. It is concluded, that tuberculosis of ash leads not only to lower technical wood quality, but also to a signifi-cant failure of physiological and biochemical processes, that ultimately leads to ecological backlash (desintegration of the integrity of forest plantations biogeocoenosis) and economic (wood defectiveness) impact


I.N. Kul'banskaya, Applicant


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroyiv Oborony st., 15, Kiev, 03041, Ukraine; е-mail:


european ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), Pathogenesis, tuberculosis, symptomatolo-gy, injuriousness, extension of plants disease, genesic and vegetative organs.


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European Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis in Terms of Western Podolia of Ukraine


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