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Lesnoy Zhurnal

The Current Radial Increment in the Forest Stands After the Improvement Thinning

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A.S. Il'intsev, S.V. Tret'yakov, S.V. Koptev, I.V. Fedotov, R.A. Ershov

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For scientific and sustainable forest management and planning it is necessary to establish the forms of forest management providing the greatest economic returns on the basis of 1 ha of producing forest area. One of the forms of the forest management is selective cutting with sustained product yield at the thinning cutting period and maturity age. Sustainable selection system in the North is limited by the risk of decline of the forest stands after a felling. The use of wood from improvement cuttings increases the wood volume received at one area unit and improves the forest stands productivity. Improvement cuttings are aimed at the formation of high-productive target woody species. On the basis of the research the valid data, characterizing the state, productivity and resistance to environmental conditions, tech-nological and human impacts of pinetums after the improvement thinning, were obtained. The objects of the research are located in the Obozersky forest division and presented by the middle-aged pinetums after the improvement thinning. 5 discount areas were considered. The coupe quadrat demarcation was organized according to the Industrial Standard 56–69–83. A package of silvicultural and survivor works was complete. The samples of wood were taken from the trees located in the center of a cutting strip and at the border of a cutting strip and a strip road. The total number of core samples is 40 pieces. The samples obtained at the discount areas were treated by forest survey methods and methods of varia-tion statistics. The trees selection affects the state, growth and development of forest stands. The study established differences in the growth and development of trees located in the cen-ter of a cutting strip and at the border of a cutting strip and a strip road. Trees located in the center of the cutting strip respond to the cutting to a lesser extent. The highest current in-crease in diameter of trees located in the center of a cutting strip and near a strip road was observed in 2003 (10 years after cutting) and was 1.59 mm and 1.26 mm, respectively. The average width of annual rings of trees located near a strip road is 1.16 ± 0.03 mm, of trees located in the center of a cutting strip – 1.01 ± 0.02 mm. The difference between the average width of the annual ring of trees located on the border of a cutting strip and a strip road be-fore and after a felling is significant (tf = 3). Statistical difference for trees located in the center of a cutting strip is not proven. Improvement thinning effects positively on the forest survey indicators of the forest stands. It is necessary to be guided by objective criteria in determining the age. One of these criteria is the incremental value. Timely improvement thinning will create favorable conditions to maintain a high increment rate of timber.


A.S. Il'intsev1,2, Postgraduate Student, Research Assistant S.V. Tret'yakov1,2, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor S.V. Koptev1,2, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor I.V. Fedotov1,2, Postgraduate Student, Research Assistant R.A. Ershov1, Postgraduate Student


1Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; e-mail:
2Northern Research Institute of Forestry, Nikitov str., 13, Arkhangelsk, 163062, Russian Federation; e-mail:


improvement thinning, cutting-back, selection system, current increment.


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The Current Radial Increment in the Forest Stands After the Improvement Thinning


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