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Lesnoy Zhurnal

On a Research Methodology of Urban Stands

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V.F. Kovyazin, T.L. Nguen, Ch.H. Fan

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Park and garden enterprises of Saint Petersburg annually make the passports (registers) of green areas, in which the age of trees is reported only in three gradations: up to 5 years, 5…15 and 16…30 years. But tree species in the urban stands live more years, increasing its height and diameter. When the inventory of the urban vegetation the height and diameter are measured, and the age is constantly marked by gradations that is absolutely not objective. The aim of our research is to establish the relationship between the age, height and diameter of the trees, growing in the difficult environmental conditions of a city. Objectives of the study were the study of species diversity of the Moscow park of Victory; assessment of the age structure of the park plantings; tree distribution by plant species and thickness; determination of dependence of the age of a tree on its height and diameter; statistical evaluation of the received equations of connection of age, height and diameter of trees of different species. In the studies determinants of tree species, generally accepted methods of tree taxational indexes, and a computer program for calculation of equations of connection between the tree ages, their height and diameter were used. It is established, that the close association between these indicators is characterized by a parabolic curve that is confirmed by the value of the determination coefficient (0.35…0.84) and the mean-square deviation from (2.45…4.97 %). Direct and hyperbolic dependence are characterized by less connec-tion. Due to the obtained equations of connection it’s possible to establish the age of trees, necessary for assessing the age structure of the stand and a target of silvicultural treatments in the parks of Saint Petersburg. The age is required for the assessment of the age structure of phytocenosis and destination of forestry activities in the park of Saint Petersburg. The research results can be used in the practice of landscape management in the cities, as well as in the bachelors educational process in the following segments: forestry business, landscape architecture, land management and cadasters.


V.F. Kovyazin1, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor T.L. Nguen2, Postgraduate Student Ch.H. Fan2, Postgraduate Student


1National Mineral Resources University, Vasilyevsky ostrov, 21 Line, 2, Saint Petersburg, 199106, Russian Federation; e-mail:
2Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University under name of S.M. Kirov, Institutskiy per., 5, Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation; e-mail:


park, species diversity, parabolic dependence, coefficients of correlation and determination.


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On a Research Methodology of Urban Stands


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