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A.I. Bondarev, A.A. Onuchin, V.V. Chitorkin, V.A. Sokolov Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.4MB )UDС630*6DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2015.6.25AbstractWide discussion on the topic of intensification of the forest management occurs among theforest experts in Russia. New phase of the debates was raised after the presentation by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation of “The Concept of the Intensification of Forest Use and Reforestation" and “The Roadmap …” on concept of their implementation. Expert opinions ranges from the intensification of forestry across the country to a narrower segment, namely the forest use on the leased areas, which traditionally includes the full cycle of reforestation, forest cultivation and final harvesting of timber within the cutting cycle. Four parameters are proposed to characterize the intensive forest management: full utilization of the incremental growth of forest stands throughout the forest growing cycle; road network density, which determines the availability of forests for timber exploitation; the success of reforestation by the target species and the minimization of the loss of wood resource to the age of final felling due to the effective protection of forests from fires, pests and diseases. The territory of the intensive forest management should be detached as a separate subcategory within the category of commercial forests taking into account the necessity of the development of special regulatory regime for the intensive forest management zone. Three periods for the taiga zone of Siberia are proposed to evaluate the success of the formation of the target species structure under the intensive forest management: the period of canopy closure of a young forest (5…10 years), the period of final shaping of the forest species structure (30…50 years) and the period of mature forest forming (70…100 years). Mortgage payments by timber companies are proposed as an economic instrument for ensuring this process, which are returned, when quantitative and qualitative parameters of forests for each of those periods will be achieved. The benefits of the intensive forest management in the secondary forests and on the lands of previous agricultural use in the southern taiga and the forest-steppe subzones in comparison with felling of the primary forests in a mid-taiga subzone include the high forests potential, developed network of roads, availability of labor resources and processing plants, customer intimacy, availability of market for softwood timber species. AuthorsA.I. Bondarev1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences A.A. Onuchin1, 3, Doctor of Biological Sciences V.V. Chitorkin2, Candidate of Biological Sciences V.A. Sokolov1, Doctor of Agricultural SciencesAffiliation1V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademgorodok, 50/28, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation; e-mail: 2Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya str., 4/6, Moscow, 123995, Russian Federation; e-mail: 3Siberian State Technology University, Mira Av., 82, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russian Federation; e-mail: onuchin@ksc.krasn.ruReferences1. Kashpor N.N. Vosproizvodstvo lesov: sostoyanie i perspektivy [Reforestation: Status and Prospects]. Rossiyskaya lesnaya gazeta, 2006, no. 18–19, рр. 148–149. 2. Melekhov I.S. Lesovedenie i lesovodstvo [Forest Science and Forestry]. Moscow, 1972. 177 p. 3. Moiseev N.A. Model' stabil'nogo razvitiya [Model of Forest Sustainable Development]. Lesnaya Rossiya, 2007, no. 7, pp. 10–15. 4. Morozov G.F. Uchenie o tipakh nasazhdeniy [Doctrine on Types of Forest]. Moscow, Leningrad: Selkhozgiz, 1930. 411 р. 5. 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