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M.I. Kravchenko Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.3MB )UDС661.728.2DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2015.5.183AbstractThe process of pulp washing by sulfite liquor displacement in batch cooking digester was studied. Filtrating constants and filtration rate depending on filtering layer depth and excess pressure for large-scale batch digesters were computed. It was shown that dry solids extrac-tion (soluble matter) from pulp fibers flow in two stages. The first stage – in out-diffusive area, while the second went on in internal diffusive area. It was showed that a depth of pulp layer at the end of displacement washing in cooking digesters of 320 m3capacity could reach up to 5,4 m in case of upward flow. The filtrating constants were calculated. It was found a relationship between filtration rate and hydraulic pressure at pulp washing in the cooking digesters equipped with hydraulic distributor for washing liquor. It was shown that at a certain hydraulic pressure in cooking digester a filtration rate of liquor might be constant till 120-th minute. High temperature pulp washing in batch cooking digesters enables producing easy-bleachable pulp.AuthorsM.I. Kravchenko, Candidate of Engineering, Associate ProfessorAffiliationSaint Petersburg State Forest Technical University under name of S.M. Kirov, Institutskiy per., 5, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russia; e-mail: ola.ola07@mail.ruKeywordsmathematical model, pulping, washing, pulp bleaching, filtration, washing con-stants, cooking digester, pulp hardness, filtrating constants, filtration rate, engineering regu-lations, efficiency, hydraulic distributors of washing liquor.References1. Zhuzhikov V.A. Fil'trovanie. Teoriya i praktika razdeleniya suspenziy [Filtration. Theory and Practice of Separating Suspensions]. Moscow, 1980. 398 p. 2. Kafarov V.V., Dorokhov I.N., Lugovoy Yu.E. TOKhT, 1972. Vol. 6, no. 2, 297 р. 3. Kravchenko M.I., Efremov T.V., Kiprianov A.I., Utkin S.P. O metode opredeleniya koeffitsienta stesnennoy diffuzii v tsellyulozosoderzhashchem materiale [About the Method of Determining the Coefficient of Diffusion in a Constrained Cellulose-Containing Material]. Lesnoy zhurnal, 1981, no. 1, pp. 77–79. 4. Kravchenko M.I., Kiprianov A.I. Mekhanizm protsessa promyvki sul'fatnoy tsel-lyulozy v sloe [The mechanism of the Cleaning Process in the Sulfate Pulp Layer]. Tsel-lyuloza. Bumaga. Karton, 2000, no. 9-10, pp. 36–37. 5 S.W/Me. Kribins. Primenenie teorii diffuzii k promyvke sul'fatnoy tsellyulozy [Application of the Theory of Diffusion to the Sulfate Pulp Washing]. 1960, no. 10, pp. 801–805.Received on December 26, 2014
Experimental Study of Pulp Washing Process |
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