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Lesnoy Zhurnal

The Use of Stimulators Made of Aqueous Extract from Bark and Chicken Manure Compost and Heteroauxin When Pricking Out Containerized Pine Seedlings

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B.A. Mochalov, M.L. Buntina, S.V. Bobushkina

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The Results of the researches on the use of growth stimulators of a natural and chemical origin when pricking of Scotch pine seedlings are considered, grown up with the closed root system. The aqueous extract from bark and chicken manure compost and heteroauxin are approved as stimulators. Our researches affect a new way of using stimulators - soaking the roots of pine seedlings when they are being pricked out, that is necessary when the germination rate is less than 95 % and 2-3 seeds are needed in each cell. Roots were dived into stimulator solutions and kept for 4, 8, 16 and 24 hours. The research was conducted in the qreenhouse complex in Velsk, the Arkhangelsk Region, the middle taiga subzone. The seedlings were grown up in «Plantek-81» containers on a peat substratum for two years – the first year inside the greenhouse, the second – at the sites of completion of growing. Analysis of the averages of the seedlings parameters showed that the highest efficiency was obtained in the variant with roots soaking for 16 hours. Height, stem volume and yield of standard size seedlings increased by 22–30 %. Seedlings, soaked in a solution of aqueous extract from bark and chicken manure compost, showed particular advantage. We established that the positive effect of stimulators could be seen as soon as after a month, and it most fully realized in the end of the growing season. At the end of the second year of growth, the stem volume corresponded to the ranks of the first year, which obviously was an indicator of the stimulators’ effectiveness. In general, it can be noted, that the aqueous extract from bark and chicken manure compost as a stimulator has a positive impact on the growth of pine seedlings. Using the growth stimulators when pricking out and fertilizing seedlings, as well as in the preparation of seeds for sowing, improves yield and quality of containerized seedling stock and can be an important innovation for intensive multirotational technology of forest planting stock production in the harsh climate of the North.


B.A. Mochalov1,2, Doctor of Agriculture, Professor 
M.L. Buntina1,2, Postgraduate Student, Research Assistant 
S.V. Bobushkina2, Candidate of Aqricultural, Research Assistant


1Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia; e-mail: b.mochalov@narfu.ru2Northern Research Institute of Forestry, Nikitova, 13, Arkhangelsk, 163062, Russia; e-mail:, e-mail:


stimulators, aqueous extracts from bark and chicken manure compost, heteroauxin, seedlings with the closed roots, prickling-out of seedlings, pine.


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Received on August 6, 2014

The Use of Stimulators Made of Aqueous Extract from Bark and Chicken Manure Compost and Heteroauxin When Pricking Out Containerized Pine Seedlings


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