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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Criteria and Indicators of Growth, Productivity of Forest Stands Under Their Intensive Cultivation

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I.I. Stepanenko

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An important task of forest science and practice is the development and use of new approaches, methods, criteria and indicators in forestry, forest management under intensive cultivation of forest stands. The purpose was to study the influence of environmental factors, such as forest types, forest stands age and intensive method of growing forest fertilization on pine wood macrostructure for pine stands growing target specific structure and quality, and the rationale for the use of indicators to characterize the wood macrostructure indicator - quality wood in intensive forestry. This work continues the cause of Ivan Stepanovich Melehov - an outstanding Russian forester and dedicated to his memory. The studies were conducted in the southern taiga subzone (Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod region) in fertilized and control (unfertilized) pine forests of different types: cowberry (Pinetum vacciniosum), bilberry (Pinetum myrtillosum), lichen (Pinetum cladinosum), long-moss (Pinetum polytrichosum). The mature stands (90-100 years) were studied in Pinetum vacciniosum, Pinetum myrtillosum and Pinetum cladinosum, maturing stands (70 years) - Pinetum polytrichosum. The fertilizers were applied in two steps. In the 1-st receiving (1982) were applied nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), mixed (NPK) fertilizer in doses of 100, 150, 200 kg /hectare of active ingredient (a.i.) in the 2-nd receiving (1987) - nitrogen fertilizer (N) at 150 kg /hectare a.i. on experimental plots: N100, N150, (NPK) 150, P150, K150. In the research and analysis of the experimental data were used standard techniques. The article shows the main criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management and forest management used to characterize the stands under intensive cultivation of forests, special attention is given to the indicator – wood quality in parameters of macrostructure wood. The dependence of the performance of the macrostructure pine forest type, stand age in stages of ontogeny and intensive cultivation methods forest fertilization is established. Studies have shown that in natural pine of forest types prevailing southern taiga subzone formed high quality wood with optimal parameters of microstructure for industrial wood, including logs. In the pine forests of Pinetum vacciniosum, Pinetum myrtillosum, Pinetum cladinosum is the most effective nitrogen and mixed fertilizers. They significantly change performance of the wood macrostructure: increase the width of annual layers in the 1.3...2.2 times, latewood percent – 9.6...30.7%, reduce the amount of annual layers in 1,2...2,2 times, promotes less uniform annual rings on compared with control (unfertilized) stands. The studies found that the intensive cultivation of pine stands with fertilizer for industrial wood, including logs, you must take into account the indicator - the quality of the wood. Based on the results of studies to assess the quality of the wood is proposed to use quality classes on a complex metric that includes the basic elements of the macrostructure of wood: the width of annual rings, the latewood percent, the amount of annual rings in 1 cm. The obtained results can be used in the practice of forestry and forest industry at evaluation of the structure and quality pine wood, obtained by intensive forest cultivation for its grading and certification, as well as in the forest planning and forest management as a quality indicator in the target state programs and regulations.


  • I.I. Stepanenko, Doctor of Agriculture, Associate Professor, Alternate Director of Branch of Forest Complex Development and Program Realization

    Moscow region Forestry (State) Committee,
    Boulevard Stroiteley, 1, Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, 143407, Russia;


Moscow region Forestry (State) Committee, Boulevard Stroiteley, 1, Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, 143407, Russia


criteria, indicators, intensive cultivation of forests, fertilizers, quality of wood, wood macrostructure, ontogeny, stand age, forest types


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Criteria and Indicators of Growth, Productivity of Forest Stands Under Their Intensive Cultivation


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