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A.A. Bakhtin, N.N. Sokolov Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.7MB )UDС630*2+630*5DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2015.4.76AbstractNative pine forests in the European North in the present time have been preserved in extremely humid soils of region of the total state wood fund and occupy 12.4 million hectares, or 49.5% of the total area of the state forest fund, the forest area with excessive moistening is 7.5 million hectares. For pine is characteristic that they are waterlogged average in the region by 33.5 %. The analysis of the age structure and forest structure waterlogged pine forests is necessary because of the wide representation of them in the state forest fund of the European North and the lack of recommendations on the organization of management in them. Wetlands plantings represented 80% mature and overmature stands. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to examine the forest structure for the wetland pines in this age group. To study the age structure of mature and over marshy pines were cut entirely from 100 to 200 trees on 12 sample plots. By each tree were made measurements of age, height, diameter at a height, marked kinds of defects, their distribution on the trunk, the length of the live crown, the presence of boughs of different thicknesses, cleanability of stem from boughs and etc. Such detailed characteristic of trees allowed to study the structure of age, diameter, height, shape and volume of the trunk, as well as marketability. In a basis of type classification of age structure of the wetland pine we have put variability of age, diameter and height of trees, and the nature of the distribution of trees on these grounds. Studying wetland pine forests have a coefficient of variation of age from 5.8% to 43.2 %, volatility of diameter from 25.8% to 48%, and the variation of the height from 9.3% to 29.1%. Analysis of the obtained results have allowed to draw a conclusion that waterlogged pine forests conventionally were represented even-aged and uneven-aged stands with expressed generations and without such a clear expression. For options factors was adopted the type of age structure: conditionally-even-aged and uneven-aged stands. Effective sign is the coefficient of variation of trees diameter. Analysis of variance showed that the influence of this factor (the type of age structure) reliably at all levels of significance. Influence of the type of age structure on variability of trees diameters in the stand can be from 58.5% to 86.2% of the total impact of all amounts factors. Therefore, the necessity and feasibility of classification of waterlogged pine stands on conditionally even-aged and uneven-aged is confirmed by dispersion analysis. The analysis of age structure of waterlogged pine forests have not revealed the presence of these relatively uneven-aged stands. Thus, the possibility of the formation of waterlogged forests of this age structure is probably very small. Authors
AffiliationNorthern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. LomonosovKeywordsPine stands, bogginess, structure, age, diameter, height, variability, regularity, dispersionReferences
Types of Age Structure of Waterlogged Pine Forests in the Arkhangelsk Region |
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