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V.P. Sivakov, V.I. Muzykantova, Yu.M. Grebenshchikov Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.5MB )UDС676.004.86DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2015.1.144AbstractThe purpose of the paper is to define the frequency of the technological sieves cleaning of a feeder in dependence on vibration speed of a high-pressure pump and loading device of digester in the controlled exploitation. In a high-pressure feeder the low-pressure waste-liquor bleeding is executed out of suspension "chip – waste liquor" up to hydromodulus 4 ... 7 dm3/kg, feeding of high-pressure waste-liquor with suspension dilution up to hydromodulus 25 ... 35 dm3/kg and unloading of suspension. The influence of a sieve choking upon a load of drives of the high-pressure pump and a loading device of digester as well as the vibration of the process equipment is studied. At sieve choking the waste-liquor bleeding is reducing. The unload of suspension into the hydraulic circulation occurs with a hydromodulus more than 35 dm3/kg. Elevated level of liquid in the suspension reduces the friction losses at its transportation as well as drive loads and equipment vibration. Cloth cleaning forces a filling of the rotor trays by chip, reduces hydromodulus at unload of the suspension, that increases the friction losses at its transportation as well as drive loads and equipment vibration. Process of a sieve choking and screen self-cleaning of a feeder is random. Drive loads and vibration of the loading equipment circulation change also. It is shown that the cycling change of the load of drives or equipment vibration can set the frequency of technological cleaning of sieves. At the entrance of the section of loading circulation a vibration velocity of a high-pressure pump was measured as well as a vibration velocity of the loading device at the output. Methods of mathematical statistics established the spectrum borders of frequency of a process of a sieve choking and self-cleaning cyclicity, correlation functions, linear correlation connection of a vibration velocity at the entrance and output of a section of the loading circulation. Changing of a vibration velocity corresponds to the conditions of stationarity. The same periodical components at the input and output of the section of loading circulation according to the autocorrelation functions of the equipment vibration velocity are installed. As a result of research of the spectral density of a stationary random process of vibration velocity changing of a section of loading circulation the dominant frequency of a sieve choking is established. The frequency of technological sieve cleaning is established.AuthorsV.P. Sivakov, Doctor of Engineering V.I. Muzykantova, Senior Engineer Yu.M. Grebenshchikov, Postgraduate StudentAffiliationUral State Forest Engineering University, Sibirskiy trakt, 37, Yekaterinburg, 620100, Russia; е-mail: djguran@mail.ruKeywordsdigester, high-pressure feeder, sieve, diagnosis, vibration, choking, cleaning.References1. Grachev V.V., Shcherbakov S.G., Yakovlev E.I. Dinamika trubo-provodnyh sistem [Dynamics of Pipeline Systems]. Moscow, 1987. 438 p. 2. Korn G., Korn T. Spravochnik po matematike dlja nauchnyh rabotnikov i inzhenerov [Handbook on Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers]. Moscow, 1984. 831 p. 3. Sivakov V.P. Diagnostirovanie sita pitatelja vysokogo davlenija varochnogo kotla [Diagnosing of Sieve of High Pressure Feeder of Digester]. Vibracija. Shum. Vibrodiagnostika [Vibration. Noise. Vibrodiagnostics: Proc. Int. Sci. and Tech. Seminar «Vibro-Acoustic Processes in Technologies, Equipment and Constructions of Timber Industry Complex»]. Yekaterinburg, 2000, p. 139.Diagnosing of a Sieve Choking of the High-Pressure Feeder of a Digester |
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