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I.D. Samsonova Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.4MB )UDС630*453:595.799DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2015.1.45AbstractExtensive use of biological and ecological potential of plants for the beekeeping industry is possible only as a result of study and development of honey resources on forest lands. The magnitude of honey flow depends on the amount of nectariferous plants and their species composition, duration of blooming and location of nectariferous base and other natural and anthropogenic factors. The studying of nectariferous resources on forest lands was held by the base and improved methods of field and stationary studies using reference material. To assessment of the potential honey production of forests by the amount of nectar (sugar), formed during photosynthesis of nectariferous plants on a certain area the composite index, bioresource potential of forests for honey flow is proposed. The determination of biore-source potential of forests in different areas was performed considering indicator of sugar productivity. As development progresses of nectariferous resources the assortment of necta-riferous plants, the area, occupied by them and the dynamics of the age structure of the for-est area on the territory of the Rostov region were determined. Despite the small percentage of forest land area in the region, a lot of nectariferous plants grow there: locust, various spe-cies of maples, elms, and honey shrubs. In the age structure of forest communities on the forested area the proportion of middle-aged trees and growing stock is increased. For differ-entiated assessment of honey flow, zoning of vast territories the special index - district of honey flow - is introduced. Evaluating the areas of honey flow, characteristics of conditions directly influencing on it are given. The approximate store of honey and possible amount of beehives for the development of beekeeping are defined. Five areas of honey flow are dis-tinguished within the Rostov region. The first area has the best bioresource potential of for-ests for honey flow (3261 tons). The approximate store of honey on forest lands of the Ros-tov region is about 6468 thousand tons and possible amount of beehives for the development of beekeeping is about 54000. Evaluation of nectariferous resources on forest lands allows to use forage base of beekeeping completely and rationally. On the basis of honey flow are-as one can evaluate, project and use honey flow, and also perform technological methods improving forage base of beekeeping.AuthorsI.D. Samsonova, Candidate of Agriculture, doctoral candidateAffiliationNovocherkassk Engineering Meliorative Institute named after A.K. Kortunov of Don State Agrarian University, Pushkinskaya, 111, Novocherkassk, 346428, Russia; е-mail:isamsonova18@rambler.ruKeywordsnectariferous resources, honey flow area, honey stock, bioresource potential, forest land, honey flow.References1. Liventseva E.K. O metodike opredeleniya nektaroproduktivnosti rasteniy [On the Method of Determination of Nectar Productivity in Plants]. Pchelovodstvo, 1954, no. 11, pp. 33–39. 2. Ponomareva E.G., Deterleeva N.B. Medonosnye resursy i opylenie sel'skokho-zyaystvennykh rasteniy [Nectariferous Resources and Crop Pollination]. Moscow, 1986, pp. 178–179. 3. Samsonovа I.D. Medonosy lesnykh i primykayushchikh ekosistem [Nectariferous Plants of Forest and Adjacent Ecosystems]. Lesnoe khozyastvo, 2008, no. 6, pp. 23–24. 4. Sidarenko P.V., Shiler G.G., Bogdanovа I.B. Medonosnyy konveyer v lesakh Ros-tovskoy oblasti [Nectariferous Conveyor in the Forests of the Rostov Region]. Lesnoe kho-zyaystvo, 2001, no. 5, p. 29 5. Sidarenko P.V., Samsonovа I.D., Bogdanovа I.B. Otsenka, ispol'zovanie i uluchshenie bioresursnogo potentsiala lesov i sel'skokhozyaystvennykh ugodiy dlya medosbora v Rostovskoy oblasti [Evaluation, Use and Improvement of Bioresource Potential of Forests and Farmland for Honey Flow in the Rostov Region]. Novocherkassk, 2010, 47 р. 6. Smaragdovа N.P. O nektaro- i sakharoproduktivnosti medonosnykh rasteniy [About Nectar and Sugar Productivity of Nectariferous Plants]. Pchelovodstvo, 1954, no. 11, pp. 40–43.Evaluation of Nectariferous Resources on Forest Lands of the Rostov Region |
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