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N.A. Babich, M.M. Andronova Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.5MB )UDС630*18DOI:AbstractThe planting of greenery question in small northern cities on the Europen part of Russia is very little covered in the scientific literature. From this point of view, the problem is affected in the article is certainly actual. For planting of greenery in small cities of the European North the nursery transplants of local arboreal and shrub breeds are mainly used, but as it is known, for an aboriginal dendroflora of region naturalistic poverty is characteristic. Aim of the researches - to ground possibility of enriching of pedigree composition of green plantations in Kadnikov of the Vologda Region by introduction a shore pine (Pinus contorta Dougl). Introduction in the complement of municipal green plantations of introduced dendroflora is examined from two positions. First is an increase of biological variety of the municipal ecological system. The second position, basic, is test in stress situation, that is the urbanized environment of cities, potential of introductions. The basis of studies of shore pine plantations is a method of continuous inventory. Seed quality was determined by generally accepted technique in the forest seed production. The studies were conducted in 10-year-old shore pine plantations (Pinus contorta Dougl), growing in Kadnikov of the Vologda Region. Based on the analysis of valuation indicators, seed quality, taking into account the decorative male "inflorescences", original form of the crown, has been proved the possibility of the shore pine introduction in the green areas of small towns. Cultures are characterized by high growth indicators of height and diameter. In 11 % of registered plants bimodality of trunk is marked. If in traditional forestry this defect of trunk is undesired, in municipal green planting it should rather be considered as an original measure of the habitus decoration of the crown of shore pine. Seed quality of shore pine corresponds to class III of quality seeds of Scotch pine. These studies should make the following conclusion: when planting in small northern cities shore pine should be recommended as an equivalent alternative to the Scotch pine.AuthorsN.A. Babich1, Doctor of Agriculture, Professor, M.M. Andronova2, Candidate of EngineeringAffiliation1Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 2Vologda Law and Economics Institute of the Federal Penal Service ::: 1 Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia; e-mail: 2 Schetinina, 2, Vologda, 160002, RussiaKeywordsintroduction, lodgepole pine, small city, stress-situation, planting of greenery, dendroflora.References1. Alekseev V.M. 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