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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Influence of Magnetic Radiation on Parameters of Common Spruce Seedlings

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D.G. Khinchuk

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The aim of the article is to study the effectiveness of pulsed magnetic radiation for pretreatment of common spruce seeds, to obtain the regression equations to determine the optimal influencing factor on seeds, and optimum productivity. The following methods of operation have been used: a method of variation statistics using regression analysis, optimization method and the method of synthesis of data and system analysis. Experiments were carried out after summarizing the data on the impact on seeds by magnetic flux. Common spruce seeds were planted in open ground without steeping, with irradiation by magnetic flux of various dimension, which were changed in equally steps. It has been suggested about the existence of relationships between the parameters of shoots and the magnetic induction of the pulsed magnetic field, based on the experimental data. To determine regression equations depending the parameters of seedlings from the magnetic induction have been used regression analysis such as Chebyshev polynomials. Then regression equations were derived for some parameters spruce sproutings. Subsequent analysis of the equations has showed the support of hypothesis, that is the existence of the relationship between the parameters of sproutings and intensity of pulsed magnetic field. Generalizing dependence was determined on all represented parameters. Then was tasked to optimize generalizing depending on a factor of the magnetic field intensity, which is solved by MicroSoft Excel. This task has been solved by nonlinear method of lower generalized coefficient for smooth nonlinear problems. Conclusions: There is a relationship between the parameters of sproutings and factor of intensity of pulsed magnetic field for treatment of common spruce seeds that can be described by regression equations of first and second degree. The best setting of the magnetic induction is H = 24 mTl (for this experiment).  Further experiments are necessary to conduct for more exact definition of this parameter considering the quality standards of the wood.


D.G. Khinchuk, Senior Lecturer


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov ::: Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia; е-mail:


pulsed magnetic field, Chebyshev polynomials, parameters of seedlings, intensity of a magnetic field, regression analysis.


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Influence of Magnetic Radiation on Parameters of Common Spruce Seedlings


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