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Lesnoy Zhurnal

The Dynamics of NPK-Complex Content as a Result of Elk (Alces Alces (l. 1758)) Faeces Decomposition in the Soils of Different Granulometric Composition

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E.N. Pilipko

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The organic matter coming into the soil naturally with the help of fauna members plays an important part in cutover patches, which are disturbed ecosystems with an interrupted cycle of matter. The most valuable organic matter is the faeces of phytophag animals. In the course of the conducted research the dynamics of NPK-complex (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) content in the soils of different granulometric composition in the process of elk faeces decomposition has been studied. It was the object of the research. During the research the faeces of two types have been used – conditionally fresh, picked not later than 1 month after the animal’s passing and conditionally burned-out, picked not earlier than 12 months after the elk’s passing. The increased NPK-complex content, especially potassium content, in the fresh faeces compared to burned-out faeces has been revealed. Nitrates and potassium, which occur in faeces in great amounts, in the process of decomposition are leached out and get into the soil. The dynamics of nitrates and potassium content increases in the soils regardless of granulometric composition and the type of growing conditions. The minimum content of phosphates brought into the soil during decomposition, indicates that phosphorus in the course of decomposition in the organic form, which is not assimilated by the plants. Only after some time the organic forms of phosphorus turn into the mineral forms assimilated by the plants. To assess how much the organic matter in the form of elk faeces in the period of their decomposition influences on the plants, the experiments on the spruce (P?cea ?bies (L.) seeds germination have been carried out. The fact of increasing the spruce seeds germinating capacity in the presence of faeces compared to the control sample (the extract without faeces) has been revealed, irrespective of their freshness, which indicates the enrichment of water extracts with NPK-complex elements necessary for plant growth and development, which are released from the faeces.


E.N. Pilipko, Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor


Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy named after N.V. Vereshchagin ::: Shmidta, 2, Vologda-Molochnoe, 160555, Russia; e-mail:


Alces alces L., faeces, NPK-complex, nitrates, phosphates, potassium, seeds germination, P?cea ?bies (L.).


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The Dynamics of NPK-Complex Content as a Result of Elk (Alces Alces (l. 1758)) Faeces Decomposition in the Soils of Different Granulometric Composition


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