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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Growth and State of Pine Cropper with Different Density in Serebryanoborskoe Experienced Forestry

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M.D. Merzlenko, Yu. B. Glazunov

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The growth of experimental artificial stands of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) with different planting density, created in 1948, has been investigated.  Primary planting density on the 5 experimental ground was 2; 4; 8; 16 and 32 thousand seedlings per ha. They were researched at the cultures age of 22; 30 and 65 years. The essential differences in the nature of age changes of the productivity and structure of forest stands has been identified. At the age of 22 to 30 years, on the period of polewood phase, cultures with planting density of 2.0  thousand trees per ha improved the middle class of the growth by Kraft, whereas in other areas it was lowering, with the most strong was in extremely dense plantation (32.0 thousand trees per ha). To the age of 65 years, the representation of the different classes of trees significantly evened out, the greatest supply of stem wood was in cultures with planting density of two thousand trees per ha, while the lowest – 32.0 thousand trees per ha. To increasing of planting density decreased preservation of trees up to 2.6 % for planting density of 32.0 thousand trees per ha, whereas in the sparsest on planting density cultures it was 50.8 %. Thus the creation of pine plantations with high planting density (more than 10.0 thousand trees per ha) would be inappropriate.


M.D. Merzlenko, Doctor of Agriculture, Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Yu. B. Glazunov, Candidate of Agriculture, Researcher, Research Officer


Institute of Forest Science, Russian Academy of Sciences | Sovetskaya, 21, Uspenskoe, Moscow Region, 143030, Russia; е-mail:


artificial stands, Scotch pine, planting density.


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Growth and State of Pine Cropper with Different Density in Serebryanoborskoe Experienced Forestry


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