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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Experience of Regeneration Fellings in the Even-Aged Pine Forests of the Northern Forest-Steppe Subzone

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S.V. Zalesov, E.S. Zalesova, A.V. Dantcheva, Ju.V. Fedorov

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The paper deals with silvicultural effectiveness of regeneration fellings in the even-aged ninety-centenary pine forests of the northern forest steppe subzone. The fellings have been carried out by two methods: at the sites and shelterwood. The intensity of the site fellings was equal to 25 %; by uniform (shelterwood) method – 10, 20, 30 % in accordance with their stock. The felling sites were of triangle, parallelogram, rectangle and ellipse forms. The squares of the felling sites were of 0,1; 0,2; 0,3; 0,4 ha. Each variant was carried out as 4-time replications. The felling sites were left for the natural forest regeneration, except 6 sites with the forms of rectangle and parallelogram with the sizes 0,3 and 0,4 ha. On these sites by human force using Kolesov's planting iron forest cultures of pine have been formed by planting 2-years seedlings. It has been proved experimentally that in ten years after the felling the maximum amount of the pine staddle was accumulated when the uniform method of felling of 20 % intensity had been used. But in this case the staddle was suppressed. With the site method of felling the worst data have been registered on the sites of triangular forms of all sizes. These sites become thickly wooded by willow and soft-wooded broadcasting kinds. The maximum amount of large viable pine staddle has been fixed up on the sites of rectangular and parallelogram forms of 0,4 ha sizes. The sites method of felling of 25% intensity on the sites of rectangular forms with the size 100 x 40 m (0,4 ha) can be recommended for the renewal of declining pine stockings. The coppicing of the pine forest cultures by 2-years seedlings can be recommended to speed up the renewal of cutting drifts. This method can reduce the period between the fellings up to 5-7 years and complete the stocking renewal for 15-20 years.


S.V. Zalesov, Doctor of Agriculture, Professor, E.S. Zalesova, Postgraduate Student, A.V. Dantcheva, Postgraduate Student, Ju.V. Fedorov, Student


Ural State Engineering University ::: Sibirskiy tract, 37, Yekaterinburg, 620100, Russia; е-mail:


regeneration fellings, site method, space thinning, pine stands, northern forest-steppe subzone, staddle, nether vert, regeneration, forest culture.


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Experience of Regeneration Fellings in the Even-Aged Pine Forests of the Northern Forest-Steppe Subzone


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