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B.V. Babikov Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.4MB )UDС630*631.634DOI:AbstractThe mires are non-uniform in origin. The type of mire is connected with a type of aqua-mineral nourishment. This article presents the level of forests bogginess in Russia and their differences considering to the forestry usage. Also is indicated the influence of the drainage canals on the groundwater aquifers level and the forest growth on the dried up mires. The content of O2 in the groundwater is studied. The soil air composition of the peat soil and the content and role of CO2 and O2 in it are studied. The methods of the natural afforestation of the innings through the creation (planting) of the forestry crops is also examined. The rating of the silvicultural character of the innings and the quality of the wood is given. The water-regulating role of the forests formed on the innings is also shown in this article.AuthorsB.V. Babikov, Doctor of Agriculture, ProfessorAffiliationSt. Petersburg State Forest Technical University named after S.M. Kirov ::: Institutskiy pereulok, 5, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russia; e-mail: subota_m@mail.ruKeywordsmires, drainage, soil, water balance, oxygen in the water, concentration of the CO2 and O2, soil air, drainage efficiency, water regime of rivers.References1. Babikov B.V. Ekologiya sosnovykh lesov na osushennykh bolotakh [Ecology of Pine Forests on the Drainage Mires]. St. Petersburg, 2004. 166 p. 2. Bystrov S.V. Materialy k poznaniyu podzolistogo protsessa [Materials to the Cognition of Podsolic Process]. Trudy Pochvennogo instituta [Proc. of the Soil Institute] vol.13, 1936. 3. Vomperskiy S.E. Biologicheskie osnovy effektivnosti lesoosusheniya [Biological Foundations of Forest Drainage Efficiency]. Moscow, 1969. 322 p. 4. Druzhinin N.A. Osushenie lesov v Vologodskoy oblasti [Forest Drainage in the Vologda Region]. Vologda, 2001. 102 p. 5. Ivanov K.E. Stok s sistemy verkhovykh bolotnykh massivov [Runoff from the High Bogs]. Trudy TGI [Proc. of the Gidrological Institute], 1949, vol.13, pp. 26–42. 6. Lopatin V.D. O gidrologicheskom znachenii verkhovykh bolot [Gidrological Role of High Bogs]. Vestnik LGU, 1949, no. 2, pp. 37–49. 7. Maslov B.S., Pilenok P. I. Boloto i piar prirodnykh stikhiy [Mire and Public Relations of Nature Elements]. St. Petersburg, 2011. 31 p. 8. Orlov A.I. A.Ya. Vliyanie nedostatka kisloroda v vode na rost korney sosny, eli i berezy [Influence of Scarcity of Oxygen in the Water on the Growth of Pine, Spruce and Birch Roots]. Fiziologiya drevesnykh rasteniy [Physiology of the Wood Plants]. St. Petersburg, 1962. 9. Pakhuchiy V.V. Vodnyy rezhim v khvoynykh drevostoyakh na staroosushennykh torfyanikakh [Water Regime in the Coniferous Forests on Drenage Peateries]. Leningrad, 1895. 72 p. 10. Pisar'kov Kh.A. Vliyanie osushitel'noy seti na vodnyy rezhim i rost lesa [Influence Drainage on the Water Regime and Grows Forests: Collected Papers]. 1970. Vol. 142, 90 p. 11. Poluboyarinov O.I., Sorokin A.M., Fedorov R.B. Bazisnaya plotnost' drevesiny i kory lesoobrazuyushchikh porod Evropeyskoy chasti Rossii [Basis Density of Wood and Bark of Forest Generating Species in the European Part of Russia]. Lesnoe khozyaystvo, 2000, no. 5, pp. 35–36. 12. Proekt otvodneniya pervogo khozyaystvennogo otdeleniya Lisinskoy dachi [Drainage Project of the Lisinsk Wood Plot Separation]. Lesnoy zhurnal, 1847, no. 6. 13. Tarakanov A.M. Rost osushaemykh lesov i vedenie khozyaystva v nikh [Forest Growth after Drainage and Their Management]. Arkhangelsk, 2004. 228 p. 14. Tseplyaev V.P. Lesa SSSR [Forest of the USSR]. Moscow, 1961. 455 p.15.Childs W.H. Photosyntesis, Transpiration and Growth apple trees as influenced bay various concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the soil atmosphere. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 1941, no. 38, pp. 180–197.Mires in the Forests of Russia and Their Use |
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