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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Changes in the Structure of Pine and Spruce on the Anatomical Level in the Stands Passed Cutting and Complex Care

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D.A. Danilov, V.B. Skupchenko

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The different types and treatments of keeping for forest influence cambial activity of the tree trunk, which leads to changes in the anatomical structure of the wood and its basic density. In pure and mixed coniferous stands these changes are diverse. The analysis of the total increment of timber tree trunk and its anatomical structure of pine and spruce shows a different mechanism of formation of basic wood density after cutting and fertilization. Depending on the composition of stands, influence of macrostructures indicators and a wood structure on the value of wood density can vary considerably. The wood density of pine and spruce correlates with the different indices of the wood structure. Increasing the share of latewood in the annotinous growth of both species enhances the density of the wood. Most closely changes of wood density are interconnected with the joint changes in cross-sectional area of the trunk and latewood zone for the both species. Changes in the structure of cells late and early wood determine the wood density after care for forest of pine and spruce. The increase in the amount of cells of latewood spruce determines the rising of the wood density in general, after exhausting, and at joint fertilization. The increase in the thickness of cell wall and their size in the latewood pine of annotinous increment after comprehensive care leads to the growth of the wood density. After planting exhausting the wood density of pine decreases as a result of the increase in the area of early wood in annotinous growth. In the mixed pine-spruce stands changes of wood density depends on the share of the breed. The quantitative indicators of the stand affect the quality parameters - wood density. Increasing the share of pine in the composition of mixed coniferous forest stands after a comprehensive care wood density of spruce and pine increases.


D.A. Danilov1, Candidate of Agriculture V.B. Skupchenko2, Doctor of Biology, Professor
1Leningrad State Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture "Belogorka" in Russian Agricultural Academy
2Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University named after S.M. Kirov

1Institutskaya, 1, vil. Belogorka, Leningrad Region, 188388, Russia, е-mail:
2 Institutskiy per, 5, Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russia; е-mail:


1Leningrad State Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture "Belogorka" in Russian Agricultural Academy 2Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University named after S.M. Kirov


pine, spruce, pine and spruce stands, silvicultural treatments, the cross-section area, basic wood density, the width of annotinous growth, correlation analysis.


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Changes in the Structure of Pine and Spruce on the Anatomical Level in the Stands Passed Cutting and Complex Care


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