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Chinese Magnolia Vine – the Far Eastern Volatile-Oil-Bearing Plant

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E.V. Oshkina, R.D. Kolesnikova, N.V. Vyvodtsev, Yu.G. Tagiltsev

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The object of the study is Chinese magnolia vine (Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill.). The spread and ecology of this plant in the Far East are described. Purpose of the work is to study the yield and physico-chemical characteristics of essential oils and fir water from vines, fruits and juice production wastes. Studies have been performed by instrumental methods (photoelectric colorimeter, hazemeter , refractometer, pH meter). Essential oils and fir water were extracted from plant raw material by steam distillation on laboratory distillatory of stainless steel. As a result, it has been found that the essential oil from the vines is the lightest, the most heavy – from wastes of juice production. This represents a significant concentration of polyalcohol (Shizandrin) in essential oil from wastes,  the smallest amount is in essential oil from vines. Acid index represents the total content of citric, malic, and other organic acids in magnolia vine. The highest acid index is shown in the oil from the fruits. The highest content of coumarins has been found in the oil from the vines. The fir water of magnolia vine as the second product in the production of essential oil was studied for the first time. There were found in the fir water the same components as in the essential oils. It was thus established that all parts of magnolia vine can be obtained valuable biologically active compounds, nutrient materials and products (fruits, seeds, juices, essential oils and fir water), and various preparations based on them (extracts, tinctures, pulvises, essences). In order to preserve the natural underbrush the plantation cultivation of Schisandra chinensis is recommended.


E.V. Oshkina, Senior Researcher R.D. Kolesnikova, Doctor of Biology, Professor N.V. Vyvodtsev, Doctor of Agriculture, Senior Researcher Yu.G. Tagiltsev, Doctor of Biology, Professor
Far East Forestry Research Institute
Volochaevskaya, 71, Khabarovsk, 680020, Russia;


Far East Forestry Research Institute


Schisandra chinensis, spread, ecology, essential oil, fir water, usage.


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Chinese Magnolia Vine – the Far Eastern Volatile-Oil-Bearing Plant


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