Address: Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V.Lomonosov, office 1425
Phone: +7 (8182) 21-61-18
Pine Stands Resin Productivity after Drainage and Complex Cutting at Chemical Action Tapping
A.S. Novoselov1, Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor G.S. Tutygin2, Candidate of Agriculture, doz.
The analysis has been made according to the results of research of 2011 in the Sokol Area of the Vologda Region, and it has resulted in some conclusions about the impact of experimental non-aggressive resin exudation stimulator on resin productivity of drained pine stands, under-gone the influence of discontinuous cutting in 2005.The dried pine forests on transitional peat deposit with complex cutting as well as pine stands in naturally waterlogged conditions was cho-sen as objects of the research (to control the results). After cutting the stand are characterized by IV class of forest site and moderately intensive trees selection by a stock (40 %). It has been determined that the stimulator has negative influence on galipot exudation of a waterlogged sedge-sphagnous pine tree (the control one). At the place of discontinuous (complex) cutting the received results indicate prematurity experimental tapping, pointing out to continued stressful situation of the drained stand. The closeness of the link between galipot output from a resin blaze and taxational diameter at stimulator tapping is high, that is, the more full-boled trunks of pines are, the more galipot can be got by their tapping. In general, the experimental stimulator has had positive influence on the galipot output at tapping in a drained pine forest with discontinuous cutting; it has shown expediency of ap-plication such agents at galipot production under the similar conditions.
A.S. Novoselov1, Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor G.S. Tutygin2, Candidate of Agriculture, doz.
1Vologda State Technical University,
2 Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
1 Lenina, 15, Vologda, 160000, Russia E-mail: 2Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia E-mail: |
1Vologda State Technical University,2 Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Keywordspine tapping, pine galipot, hydroforestmelioration, discontinuous cutting, resin productivity, pine stand; resin exudation stimulator.
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Pine Stands Resin Productivity after Drainage and Complex Cutting at Chemical Action Tapping
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