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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Calculation of Phenomenological Model Parameters of Cellulose Material Deformation Based on the Data from Automated Analyzer

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T.N. Manakhova, Ya.V. Kazakov

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The paper presents a method developed to predict deformation tensile behaviour of unbleached softwood kraft pulp using a phenomenological model based on the equation of a typical body with a single relaxation time. The model parameters are calculated by multivariate regression analysis. The model links the properties of fiber and tensile deformation properties of pulp and paper material made of unbleached softwood industrial kraft pulp with different lignin content (the Kappa number 25.9 ... 51.4) and with refining degree of 14 ... 40 °SR . As input data we used measurements of fiber structural-morphological characteristics taken by the automated analyzer L&W FiberTester. During the simulation, parameters of the deformation model are calculated by regression equation. Predicted values of density, thickness, strain to failure, and failure stress for the selected sample are calculated. Then points of "stress-strain" curve are calculated, mathematical processing of the model curve is performed and characteristics of deformability are calculated. The results are exported to MS Excel for further analysis. The presented method of predicting deformability and tensile strength for unbleached softwood kraft pulp with known Kappa number and degree of grinding allows us to reduce the time required to obtain data on the deformation properties of cellulose material to 20 minutes without having to make pulp handsheets or run any tests.


T.N. Manakhova, Postgraduate Student; Ya.V. Kazakov, Ph.D. (Engineering)

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, 163002, Arkhangelsk, Russia


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov


unbleached softwood kraft pulp, deformation characteristics, structural and morphological characteristics of cellulose fiber, phenomenological model.


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Calculation of Phenomenological Model Parameters of Cellulose Material Deformation Based on the Data from Automated Analyzer


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