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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Influence of Drainage on the Structure of Pine Annual Rings

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O.N. Tyukavina

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The quality of pine wood is determined by its mechanical properties which in their turn depend on the annual ring structure, or more exactly on the content of latewood. The best technical qualities are found in trees with prevailing latewood. However, with the same share of latewood tracheids there may take place some qualitative changes due to increased thickness of their wall. Different forest product companies require raw wood of certain quality. It is therefore necessary to create a data bank on the impact of environmental factors on the morphological and anatomical structure of timber. Objectives of our research: - to study the influence of forest drainage on radial growth dynamics; - to consider changes in the width of early- and latewood; - to analyze the impact of hydromelioration on the latewood in the annual ring; - to study the anatomical structure of wood under various hydrological conditions. The structure of growth rings was studied in uneven-aged shrub-sphagnum pine forests. This type of forest is the most common one among Arkhangelsk pine forests. According to our research, forest drainage greatly facilitates the diameter growth of trees. In young stands it happens already during the year of drainage, while in maturing and mature forests during the second year. In 15-year-old stands the maximum radial growth is observed after 3 years since draining, in 70-year-olds after 6 years, in 100-year-old stands after 8 years. The first decade following the drainage is characterized by a maximum radial growth in pine trees. Both early- and latewood in the annual ring grow wider after draining. The share of latewood is rather stable (in relation to the total width of the annual ring) and ranges from 29 to 37 %. Radial growth depends on the number of rows of early and late tracheids. Better waterair conditions of peat soils do not lead to significant changes in microscopic parameters of tracheids. Radial growth is more significant in young stands than in 70-year-old ones due to the fact that young stands have two times more rows of tracheids, both early and late. Trees of different ages showed no significant differences in microscopic parameters.  Conclusion: Forest drainage facilitates radial growth both in early- and latewood. The share of latewood in annual rings is stable. Radial growth after drainage depends on the number of rows of early and late tracheids.


O.N. Tyukavina, Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov


drained pine forest, pine annual ring, quality of wood.


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Influence of Drainage on the Structure of Pine Annual Rings


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