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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Environmental Consequences of Logging

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S.M. Govorushko

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Logging is a very widespread practice which, like any other type of economic activity, has a negative impact on the environment. The article aimed to reveal the nature of these effects. The objectives of this paper were to determine the impact categories of this activity, identify natural components particularly susceptible to its impact and determine the main causes of human mortality during logging. The impacts of logging on the environment can be classified in three categories: (1) taking matter out of nature; (2) introduction of alien matter and energy; and (3) transformation and redistribution of matter in the nature. Logging affects the following natural components: vegetation; soils; fauna; surface waters; and atmospheric air. Moreover, it is not uncommon for this activity to cause human death. The impact on vegetation is mainly defined by undergrowth preservation. Transportation of one tree causes death or serious damage of two trees. Clear cutting is more disturbing to vegetation diversity than gradual or selective cutting. Logging is much safer in winter than during the frost-free season. The impacts on soils are as follows: fertility decline; soil erosion; and change in physical qualities. Fertility decline is explained by the fact that most of the biogenic matter is stored in trees and disappears when the trees are cut. After logging, the soils are exposed to direct sun and heavy rains. The soils of humid tropics experience a deficit of phosphorus and potassium, while dry tropics lack nitrogen. In addition, the carbon–nitrogen balance, pH, and concentration of exchangeable bases undergo changes. Soil erosion is provoked by topsoil disturbance during skidding. During the first two years after logging, washout intensity reaches hundreds of cubic metres per hectare on slopes of 10–20о. Main losses of soils occur within the first 5–6 years. Physical qualities of soil are mainly affected by changes in its density, porosity, and filtration factor.Impacts on animals are determined by the complexity of ecosystem connections, when minor changes can lead to unpredictable results. For instance, so-called keystone species play unique, sometimes unclear, roles in ecosystems. Logging of such species can lead to catastrophic consequences for the fauna. Furthermore, we can observe intensified hunting and fishing, including poaching, in the areas where logging is taking place. Surface waters are affected through increase in seasonal flood levels of rivers and lack of water during other seasons. The atmosphere is polluted by the exhaust of working machinery. Human deaths are connected with accidents, and intoxication caused by chemicals used for pest control. Almost all the cases of poisoning are connected with organophosphate insecticides.


S.M. Govorushko, Doctor of Geography, Principal Researcher

1 Pacific Institute of Geography, FEB RAS, Radio, 7, Vladivostok, Russia, 690041; 
2 Far Eastern Federal University, Suhanova, 8, 690650, Vladivostok, Russia,  E-mail: 


1Pacific Institute of Geography, FEB RAS,   2Far Eastern Federal University


logging, forest, wood, globe, natural components, human mortality.


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Environmental Consequences of Logging


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