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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Phytocenotic Importance of Weed Plants in Forest Nurseries

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I.S. Konovalova, N.A. Babich, S.N. Marich

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The paper discussed phytocenotic importance (species activity) of plants as an indicator of their prosperity in the cenosis. The problems of determining the extent and rate of activity changes are considered in various aspects. It should be noted that there are no conventional integrated techniques of determining the degree of segetal flora activity in nurseries. We have adopted a technique synthesizing various specific methodologies adapted to the forest nursery flora. According to the ecological-cenotic range, all nurseries are divided into 4 categories, for which we use the term phytocenotic cycle proposed by P.N. Ovchinnikov  in 1955. According to the degree of constancy, all species were grouped into five classes: I – species found on less than 20 % of the plant community, II – on 21–40 %, III – on 41–60 %, IV – on 61–80 %, and V – on 81–100 %. According to the coverage degree, the species were divided into four classes. The study of the ecological-cenotic range of flora species in nurseries showed that its composition is dominated by species with eurytopic phytocenotic cycle (42 %), i.e. wide phytocenotic cycle; the second place is taken by the species with hemieurytopic phytocenotic cycle (24 %), and the last ones in the ranking are species with stenotopic (17 %) and hemistenotopic phytocenotic cycles (17 %). The higher the class of constancy, the smaller the number of species: class I – 35 %, II – 22 %, III – 16 %, IV – 14 %, V – 13 %. According to the degree of coverage, the species are divided as follows: class I – 25 %, II – 53 %, III – 21 %, IV – 1 %. In terms of quantity, there dominate medium-activity (54 %) and low-activity (27 %) species. Аctive species were about 15 %, non-active species were 5 %. Thus, the important in terms of theory and practice problem of species activity offers prospects for an in-depth research into the principles of plant cover organization.


I.S. Konovalova, Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor N.A. Babich, Doctor of Agriculture, Professor S.N. Marich, Postgraduate Student

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny 17, 163002, Arkhangelsk, Russia


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov


Keywords: segetal flora, species activity, plant community, phytocenotic cycle


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Phytocenotic Importance of Weed Plants in Forest Nurseries


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