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S.N. Drozdov, E.S. Kholoptseva, T.A. Sazonova, Complete text of the article:Download article (pdf, 0.5MB )UDС[58.036:581.08.132]:582.739DOI:AbstractRepresentatives of Betula are one of the main tree species within the Russian Federation, occupying more than half of the total area of deciduous tree species. Due to the fact that birch provides high quality raw material for various sectors of the economy, the first half of the 20th century saw targeted studies of its developmental biology. As of today, however, its cultivation ecology has not been adequately investigated. Therefore, we studied the light-temperature characteristics of two-year birch seedlings under controlled environmental conditions in a complex planned experiment with three levels of soil temperature (15, 20 and 25°C). It was shown that the ecophysiological characteristics of intact plants depend on all of the environmental factors under study. The greatest potential maximum of net photosynthesis in birch seedlings was reached at the soil temperature of 15 °C, air temperature 26.3°C and light 57.3 klx. In addition, the seedlings had wide temperature (20.0–32.5°C) and light (41.3–73.2 klx) ranges of optimum providing 90 % net photosynthesis. The soil temperature raised to 20°C and above leads to lower potential level of apparent photosynthesis and narrower light-temperature optimum at natural CO2 levels in the air. With increased air temperature birch seedlings reach the maximum net photosynthesis at a brighter light.AuthorsS.N. Drozdov, Doctor of Biology, Professor
1 Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushkinskaya, 11, Petrozavodsk, Russia, 185910, E-mail: 2 Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushkinskaya, 11, 185910, Petrozavodsk, Russia, E-mail: Affiliation1Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of SciencesReferences1. Berezina N.A., Afanas'eva N.P. Ekologiya rasteniy [Plant Ecology]. Moscow, 2009. 400 p. 2. Vetchinnikova L.V. Bereza. Voprosy izmenchivosti [Birch. Variability Issues]. Moscow, 2004.183 p. 3. Venzhik F.V., Titov A.F., Talanova V.V., Nazarkina E.A. Vliyanie okhlazhdeniya korney na ustoychivost' kletok list'ev i aktivnost' fotosinteticheskogo apparata pshenitsy [Effect of Root Cooling on the Tolerance of Wheat Leaf Cells and Activity of the Photosynthetic Apparatus]. Doklady RAN, 2009, no. 3, iss. 427, pp. 314–416. 4. Golikova G.I., Panchenko L.A., Fridman M.Z. Katalog planov vtorogo poryadka [Catalog of Second-Order Designs]. Moscow, 1974, iss. 47, part 1. 383 p. 5. Goryshina T.K. Ekologiya rasteniy [Plant Ecology]. Moscow, 1979. 168 p. 6. Grozdova N.B. Berezy [Birch]. Moscow, 1979. 67 p. 7. Drozdov S.N., Kurets V.K. Nekotorye aspekty ekologicheskoy fiziologii rasteniy [Some Aspects of Environmental Physiology of Plants]. Petrozavodsk, 2003. 172 p. 8. Ermakov V.I. Morfo-fiziologicheskie adaptatsii osnovnykh vidov berezy na Severe [Morphological and Physiological Adaptation of the Main Birch Types in the North]. Petrozavodsk, 1975, pp. 64–88. 9. Ermakov V.I. Mekhanizmy adaptatsii berezy k usloviyam Severa [Mechanisms of Birch Adaptation to the Conditions of the North]. Leningrad, 1986. 144 p. 10. Kolmogorova E.Yu., Kaydorina V.A., Neverov O.A. Morfofiziologicheskaya otsenka sostoyaniya berezy povisloy v usloviyakh deystviya vybrosov avtotransporta [Morphophysiological Assessment Indices of the Woody Plants Sustainability and Pollution of Air in Kemerovo]. Lesnoy zhurnal, 2012, no. 2, pp. 20–27. 11. Kurets V.K., Popov E.G. Statisticheskoe modelirovanie sistemy rastenie – sreda [Statistical Modeling of the Plant – Environment System]. Leningrad, 1991. 152 p. 12. Larkher V. Ekologiya rasteniy [Plant Ecology]. Moscow, 1978. 384 p. 13. Lisenkov A.N. Matematicheskie metody planirovaniya mnogofaktornykh mediko-biologicheskikh eksperimentov [Mathematical Methods for Planning Multivariate Biomedical Experiments]. Moscow, 1979. 344 p. 14. Malkina I.S., Tsel'niker Yu.L., Yakshina A.M. Fotosintez i dykhanie podrosta [Photosynthesis and Undergrowth Respiration]. Moscow, 1970. 184 p. 15. Golovko T.K., Dymova O.V., Yatsko Ya.N., Shachnovski I.G., Dal'ke I.V., Tabalenkova G.I. Mekhanizmy adaptatsii fotosinteticheskogo apparata k stressovym vozdeystviyam [Mechanisms of Photosynthetic Apparatus Adaptation to Stress]. Ustoychivost' organizmov k neblagopriyatnym faktoram vneshney sredy: materialy Vseros. nauch. konf. [Resistance of Organisms to Adverse Environmental Factors: Proc. All-Russian Sci. Conf.]. Irkutsk, 2009, pp. 89–92. 16. Mokronosov A.T., Gavrilenko V.F. Fotosintez. Fiziologo-ekologicheskie i biokhimicheskie aspekty [Photosynthesis. Physiologocal, Ecological and Biochemical Aspects]. Moscow, 1992. 320 p. 17. Suvorova G.G. Fotosintez khvoynykh derev'ev v usloviyakh Sibiri [Photosynthesis of Conifers in Siberia]. Novosibirsk, 2009. 195 p. 18. Tooming Kh.G. Solnechnaya radiatsiya i formirovanie urozhaya [Solar Radiation and Yield Formation]. Leningrad, 1977. 199 p. 19. Tsel'niker Yu.L., Malkina L.S., Kovalev A.G., Chmora C.Y., Mamaev V.V., Molchanov A.G. Dykhanie korney i ikh rol' v uglerodnom balanse drevostoy [Respiration of Roots and Their Role in the Carbon Balance of Woody Plants]. Lesovedenie, 2005, no. 6, pp. 11–18. 20. Bennett J. Protein Phosphorylation in Green Plant Chloroplasts. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol., 1991, vol. 42, pp. 281–311. 21.Powles S.B. Photoinhibition of Photosynthesis Induced by Visible Light. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol., 1984, vol. 35, pp. 15–44. 22. Aphalo P.J., Lahti M., Lehto T., Repo T., Rummukainen A., Mannerkoski H., Finer L. Responses of Silver Saplings to Low Soil Temperature. Silva Fennica, 2006, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 429–442. 23. Drozdov S.N., Titov A.V., Balagurova N.I, Kritenko S.P. The Effect of Temperature on Cold and Heat Resistance of Growing Plants. II. Cold Resistant Species. Journal of Experimental Botany, 1984, vol. 35, 180, pp. 1603–1608. 24. Williams W.E., Gorton H.L., Witiak S.M. Chloroplast Movements in the Field. Plant, Cell and Environment, 2003, vol. 26, no.12 , pp. 2005–2014.Light-Temperature Characteristics of Betula pubescens (Betulaceae) Seedlings |
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