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The Use of Spatial Analysis Methods in Assessing the Degree of Fire Frequency in Forests of the Khabarovsk Territory. P. 106–118

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Andrey V. Ostroukhov
Forest fires are the dominant factor in the transformation of natural landscapes in the boreal zone. The area of the Khabarovsk Territory, 93.6 % of which belongs to the forest fund lands, currently has a forest cover of only 66.5 %, which is largely due to forest fires. This makes urgent the problem of reducing the forest fire frequency in the region, including in terms of assessing the actual fire frequency for predicting the risks of landscape fires. The article shows the possibilities of using spatial analysis methods of the Spatial Analyst module of the ArcGIS 10.8 software package to assess the degree of actual forest fire frequency based on calculating the number of fires per 1 million and 250 thousand ha and the area of fires per 1000 ha for a sliding window of a given size. Based on the data from the Remote Monitoring Information System of the Federal Forestry Agency for 2000–2020 and the data on the number of fires from the Fire Information for Resource Management System website for 2000–2021, an assessment of the actual fire frequency for the Khabarovsk Territory has been carried out. The analysis of the results reflects the high spatial and seasonal heterogeneity of the spread of landscape fires in the territory and their proximity to transport and residential structures. Areas with high fire frequency often do not coincide with the boundaries of forestry enterprises, and the maximum indicators are typical for non-forest areas that are not covered by forestry statistics. For different seasons of the year, along with quantitative differences, spatial shifts of firing points and areas with their high density are also observed. Most of the lands in the region (88.3 %) in terms of fire danger belong to the “low” and “below medium” fire frequency categories, which is primarily due to the low degree of development of these areas. The assessment of the degree of fire frequency in the territory on the basis of annual and seasonal maps of the density of firing points, calculated using the sliding window method, makes it possible to fairly objectively and in detail reflect the average long-term risk of fire occurence outside of reference to forestry boundaries. In combination with a map of the distribution of forests by natural fire hazard classes based on pyrological characteristics, the results of the reseаrch can become the basis for calculating the background fire risk, reflecting the risk of fire occurrence and development.
Institute of Water and Ecology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the RAS, ul. Dikopoltseva, 56, Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk Territory, 680000, Russian Federation; Ostran2004@bk.ru
Keywordsforest fires, actual forest fire frequency, fire area, fire occurrence, the Khabarovsk Territory, spatial analysis methods
For citation
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The Use of Spatial Analysis Methods in Assessing the Degree of Fire Frequency in Forests of the Khabarovsk Territory. P. 106–118
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