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The Resource Potential of the Amur Cork Tree in the Priamur-Primorskiy Coniferous-Broadleaved Area. P. 26–36

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Nikolai V. Vyvodtsev

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Cedar-broad-leaved forests in the Far East cover an area of slightly more than 3 million hectares. Amur cork tree (Phellodendron amurense) is one of the brightest representatives of the woody flora of cedar-broad-leaved forests. In the last century, volumetric and assortment tables were developed for it. There are no growth progress tables for this species. In order to increase the accuracy of forest taxation work, in this article, based on the materials of the state inventory, tables of growth progress for this species have been developed. The experimental material has been 159 model trees from permanent sample plots laid in plantations of different forest types and quality classes during the state forest inventory. When studying the growth patterns of the Amur cork tree, two approaches have been used. In the first case, when leveling taxation indicators, the diameter of the trees has been taken as an independent variable, and in the second – their age. The first version of the growth progress table is close to the digit scale of volumes, in the second case it corresponds to the generally accepted form of growth progress tables. In both versions, the total wood productivity, as well as the volume of bark and cork, has been calculated. The number of trunks has been found through the thinning constant. In plantations, the Amur cork tree occurs in single specimens, rarely growing in groups of up to 10 trees. In the analyzed sample, the maximum age of the Amur cork trees has been 100 years, the height – 25 m and the diameter – 60 cm. The developed growth progress tables reflect the patterns of development of the Amur cork trees growing in the Priamur-Primorskiy coniferous-broad-leaved area. The first growth progress table has been compiled by diameter classes, the second – by age classes. In comparison with oak, according to the growth progress tables, the Amur cork tree has shown a higher increment potential in terms of stock per one tree. The compiled tables can be used to calculate the reserves of the Amur cork tree wood as part of a mixed stand, the cork volume and mass, the amount of damage to plantations caused by logging or fires, and for other purposes. The high growth rate of the Amur cork tree at a young age indicates the prospects of this species for afforestation.


Nikolai V. Vyvodtsev, Doctor of Agriculture, Prof.; ORCID:


Pacific National University, ul. Tikhookeanskaya, 136, Khabarovsk, 680035, Russian Federation;


Amur cork tree, thinning constant, productivity, growth rate table, bark volume, cork mass, the Far East

For citation

Vyvodtsev N.V. The Resource Potential of the Amur Cork Tree in the Priamur-Primorskiy Coniferous-Broadleaved Area. Lesnoy Zhurnal = Russian Forestry Journal, 2024, no. 4, pp. 26–36. (In Russ.).


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