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The Influence of Birch False Heartwood on the Volume Yield of Lamellae from the Sapwood Zone for Board Panel Production

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S.N. Rykunin, А.А. Kaptelkin

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10.17238/issn0536- 1036.2019.6.202


In years ahead, the share of deciduous species (birch and aspen) in the annual allowable cut of the European part of the Russian Federation and the Ural will reach 80 %, thus, an increase in the use of hardwood is meant to be one of the strategic processing areas. Birch lumber has limited demand in construction and furniture production; in this regard, the proportion of round birch assortments intended for the lumber production is about 14 % with an average diameter of assortments no greater than 18 cm. There are zones of false heartwood and sapwood in round birch timber, intended for the lumber production. There is a steady trend in demand for the board panels obtained from the sapwood zone, which might bring a vast improvement to the technical and economic performance of production. The size of the sapwood zone reduces in processing of unedged into edged lumber and depends on the utilization of the taper zone. The increase in the volume yield of lamellae from the sapwood zone can be obtained by using lumber with wane since the width of the board increases and hence the sapwood zone. Computer simulation of birch central boards cutting on free width lamellae and 40 mm width lamellae made of the sapwood zone has shown that the volume yield from logs with a diameter of 14 cm of free width lamellae in the central boards of the sapwood zone does not increase in comparison with the volume yield of 40 mm width lamellaе. However with an increase in the log diameter, the volume yield of free width lamellae made of sapwood zone in the central boards increases. For example, the volume yield from logs with a diameter of 16 cm increases by 0.53 %, from 18 cm – by 1.25 %, from 20 cm – by 1.71 % of the log volume.


S.N. Rykunin, Doctor of Engineering, Assoc. Prof.; ResearcherID: N-3182-2013, ORCID: 0000-0002-4471-4668
A.A. Kaptelkin, Postgraduate Student; ResearcherID: AAC-8654-2019, ORCID: 0000-0002-8470-3496


Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Mytishchi Branch), ul. 1-ya Institutskaya, 1, Mytishchi, Moscow region, 141005, Russian Federation; e-mail:


false heartwood, birch, board panel, lamella, sapwood zone


The research has been financially supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, project No. 37.8809.2017/БЧ “Study of the Structure, Properties and Characteristics of Wood as a Natural Functional Material for the Development of the Energy-Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Products with Specified Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and Thermal Characteristics”.

For citation

Rykunin S.N., Kaptelkin А.А. The Influence of Birch False Heartwood on the Volume Yield of Lamellae from the Sapwood Zone for Board Panel Production. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 6, pp. 202–212. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536- 1036.2019.6.202


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The Influence of Birch False Heartwood on the Volume Yield of Lamellae from the Sapwood Zone for Board Panel Production


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