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Outflow and Distribution of Spruce 14C-Assimilates after Selective Felling in the Northern Taiga Phytocenosis

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V.N. Konovalov, L.V. Zarubina

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The problem of increasing productivity of northern forests can be positively solved by rational felling system. Physiological methods of research used in forestry and, first of all, the study of tree donor-acceptor interrelations allow us to get the necessary information about the rational felling system effectiveness before the shoot increment. Over the years the effect from final felling and improvement thinning on the rate of photosynthesis, accumulation, outflow and movement of 14C-assimilates in uneven spruce undergrowth needles had been studied. Needle samples were taken from the uneven-aged forest stands of different composition growing in the soils of different mechanical composition. This was done in order to speed up getting the relevant information about chosen felling system. The study objects were suffruticose bog moss pine forest with spruce undergrowth drained by fine amelioration, spruce and birch forests of bilberry forest types with varying thinning intensity. It was found that under the canopy of mature stands illumination does not exceed 8–12 % of open space and is not biologically normal for spruce. Due to the lack of light, intensity of photosynthesis in spruce undergrowth decreases; donor-acceptor interrelations between the above ground and underground systems are disturbed; the root system operation is disordered; the formation of assimilation apparatus is delayed. Selective felling and improvement thinning intensify root system and assimilation apparatus operation through increasing the flow of sunlight and heat under the canopy; enhance donor-acceptor interrelations; accelerate the release of the assimilation apparatus from photosynthesis products and its transition to the independent carbon nutrition; favorably affect the growth processes. High intensity of the first felling (up to 70 %) of spruce undergrowth, as well as its absence, adversely affects the listed processes. It has been established that physiological methods of research used in forestry and, first of all, the study of tree donor-acceptor interrelations allow us to get the necessary information about the effectiveness of selected measure before the shoot increment.
For citation: Konovalov V.N., Zarubina L.V. Outflow and Distribution of Spruce 14C-Assimilates after Selective Felling in the Northern Taiga Phytocenosis. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2019, no. 2, pp. 40–55. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2019.2.40


V.N. Konovalov1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
L.V. Zarubina2, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor


1Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; e-mail:
2Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy named after N.V. Vereshchagin, ul. Schmidta, 2, Molochnoe, Vologda, 160555, Russian Federation; e-mail:


spruce, bog moss pine forest, uneven-aged bilberry birch forests, thinning intensity, illumination, photosynthesis, outflow of 14C-assimilates, donor-acceptor interrelations


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Received on June 08, 2018

Outflow and Distribution of Spruce 14C-Assimilates after Selective Felling in the Northern Taiga Phytocenosis


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