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Age of Assessment for the Norway Spruce Genetic Properties in Progeny Tests

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A.V. Zhigunov, A.S. Bondarenko

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The final assessment of the genetic properties of the plus trees in the progeny tests was performed at the 1/2 age of Norway spruce ripeness in the specific forest zone. This postpones the implementation of the main breeding programs in forestry for an extended period of time. The purpose of the study is to determine the age at which the ranking of plus tree families no longer changes. This is possible due to the comparative assessment of the growth rate of Norway spruce plus tree families in progeny tests. The results obtained can serve as a support in determining the age of their final genetic assessment. The research was carried out on 6 plots of progeny tests in Leningrad and Pskov regions. Some families showed higher values of parameters in different plots in comparison with the control ones: they were up to 15 % for height, up to 40 % for diameter, and about 120 % for the trunk volume. The quantity of eligible families provided that the selection is based on the principle of reliability of differences in diameter and height parameters from the control plots, is from 9 to 39 % (on average 20 %) in different plots of progeny tests. From 14 to 56% of the families exceeded the diameter in the control plots by more than 5 %. The significance level of the differences between the families in terms of the values of the basic biometric parameters is 0.05. During the first 10 years of life, the rank order of the plus tree families changes time and again. Subsequently, the rank order of the families stabilizes, which makes it possible with a high degree of probability to make a conclusion about the genetic value of a plus tree. Height is a more stable parameter in comparison with diameter that is why this parameter is more suitable for a comparative assessment of the family productivity. The heritability coefficient, in the narrow sense of the basic biometric parameters, is from 0.02 to 0.16. The highest values were obtained for the oldest progeny tests with the highest quality of tending and selection of plus trees. It is possible to predict rather accurately the relative growth rate of plus tree families in terms of height starting from the age of 20, and in terms of diameter, from the age of 30.


A.V. Zhigunov1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
A.S. Bondarenko2, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences 


1Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University named after S.M. Kirov, Institutskiy
per., 5, Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation; 
2Saint Petersburg State Forestry Research Institute, Institutsky pr., 21, Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation; 


progeny tests, growth rate, rank order, plus tree families, age of assessment

For citation

Zhigunov A.V., Bondarenko A.S. Age of Assessment for the Norway Spruce Genetic Properties in Progeny Tests. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2018, no. 5, pp. 65–81. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.5.65


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Received on June 17, 2018

Age of Assessment for the Norway Spruce Genetic Properties in Progeny Tests


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