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Pine Growth Dynamics in Old-Aged Stands of a Multi-Storeyed Coniferous Forest

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M.D. Merzlenko, Yu.B. Glazunov, Yu.G. L’vov, E.A. Perevalova

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The paper presents the study of old-aged pine forests (Pinetum compositum), growing in the Serebryanoborsk experimental forestry (west of the Moscow region). The materials of perennial inventories at five permanent trial plots are used. The research results are the summary of studying the growth dynamics of pine aged to 186 years. A multilayered structure is typical for all pine stands of a multi-storeyed coniferous forest: the first tier consists of the main element ‒ Scots pine; the second is composed of linden and birch; the third ‒ of rowan. Graphical analysis of the growth dynamics in diameter, height, crop basal area and stemwood volume indicates a relatively stable growth of pine in old-aged stands. A positive current increase in the stemwood stock remains at the age of 160‒180 years, which, together with an assessment of the tree health status, indicates the absence of signs of decay of а pine forest. A dendrochronological research performed at the age of 186 years shows that the tree growth in diameter, after a noticeable decrease in the age of 100‒110 years, as a whole remains stable, with a slight tendency to decrease. At the same time, many trees are affected by heart rot, which indicates the approach of the age of the natural maturity, which can be 200‒220 years.


M.D. Merzlenko, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Chief Research Scientist
Yu.B. Glazunov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Head of Laboratory
Yu.G. L’vov, Research Engineer
E.A. Perevalova, Postgraduate Student


Institute of Forest Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Sovetskaya, 21, Uspenskoe, Moscow region, 143030, Russian Federation; e-mail:,,,


Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), natural forest stand, growth dynamics, silvicultural effect, basic wood increment

For citation

Merzlenko M.D., Glazunov Yu.B., L’vov Yu.G., Perevalova E.A. Pine Growth Dynamics in Old-Aged Stands of a Multi-Storeyed Coniferous Forest. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2018, no. 4, pp. 31–39. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.4.31


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Received on January 15, 2018

Pine Growth Dynamics in Old-Aged Stands of a Multi-Storeyed Coniferous Forest


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