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Impact Assessment of Morphometric Characteristics of Cones on the Quality of Scots Pine Seed Material

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V.P. Ivanov, S.I. Marchenko, I.N. Glazun, D.I. Nartov

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The state of the reproductive system of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) characterizes the biological stability of plantations and the prospects for their development under the impact of various negative factors. Plantation seed industry should ensure the qualitative gene resources in specific conditions. Studies of the female reproductive sphere of pine are carried out on the first-order seed plantation created by planting grafted seedlings in the National Public Establishment of the Bryansk region “Navlinskoe forestry”. The most informative morphometric parameters of cones are analyzed: the length, average diameter, mass and shape of the cone, the number and weight of the seed scales of the fertile tier. We use the following indicators to assess the seed productivity: the number of ovules and full-grained seeds, mass and yield of full-grained seeds, number of normal sized seeds, weight of 1000 pcs. seeds of normal size, total number of undeveloped seeds, including empty ones. The obtained data are compared with similar characteristics of generative sphere of pine from the buffer zone of the Bryansk Forest reserve. The excess of morphometric parameters of cones from the reserve along the length, average values of diameter and mass, number and weight of seed scales over cones indices from the fields no. 1 and no. 3 of the seed-bearing plantation has been revealed. For most of the parameters, the cones from the field no. 3 prevail over the cones from the field no. 1. Pine cones from the reserve are preferable for most indicators as seed-bearing raw material than cones from the plantation. Evaluation of the indicators of seed productivity of pine on the plantation fields reveals the different ability of seeds to form normally developed seedlings. Seeds of cones from the field no. 1 are characterized only by the 3d class of quality (germination is 69 %). A low indicator of seed germination from the field no. 3 (60 %) does not allow indicating them as conditional (the threshold value for the Bryansk region is 65 %), although the cones from this field exceed the cones from the field no. 1 by the majority of parameters. We can obtain accurate information on the selection value of forest seed orchards of Scots pine due to the certification of forest seed plantations, marking trees according to a unified methodology for the optimal organization of forest seed production in the regions.


V.P. Ivanov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
S.I. Marchenko, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
I.N. Glazun, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
D.I. Nartov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor


Bryansk State Engineering Technological University, pr. Stanke Dimitrova, 3, Bryansk, 241037, Russian Federation; e-mail:


Scots pine, female generative sphere, morphometric characteristic, forest-seed establishment, germination, laboratory germination, sowing quality of seed

For citation

 Ivanov V.P., Marchenko S.I., Glazun I.N., Nartov D.I. Impact Assessment of Morphometric Characteristics of Cones on the Quality of Scots Pine Seed Material. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2018, no. 4, pp. 19–30. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.4.19


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Received on February 26, 2018

Impact Assessment of Morphometric Characteristics of Cones on the Quality of Scots Pine Seed Material


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