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Comparative Analysis of Mineral Content in Pine and Spruce Wood

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N.V. Kilyusheva, P.A. Feklistov, N.V. Ezhova, I.N. Bolotov, B.Yu. Filippov

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Mineral elements are very important for the development of all woody plants. The content of mineral constituents depends both on the species composition of the plantation and climatic and soil factors of particular habitats. The goal of research is a comparative analysis of the content of chemical elements in Scotch pine and spruce fir wood in myrtillus-type forests (in the Primorye forest district of the Arkhangelsk forestry), the search for regularities related to the category of state of trees and crosscut end. We determined the content of mineral elements and heavy metals by the X-ray fluorescence analysis carried out with the use of a wave-dispersed spectrometer. The parent material was wood core taken from the Pressler borer from the central and peripheral parts of the spruce stem, from the pine core and sapwood. For the analysis, we predried the samples in a drying box, grounded them and pilled. The total number of samples was 50. For both species, a series of accumulation of mineral elements was Ca > K > Mg > Fe > S > P. Pine and spruce wood most of all contained calcium and potassium, and next smaller - magnesium, iron, sulfur, copper, phosphorus. Copper and lead were 2 times more in the central part of the stem, calcium and potassium - in the peripheral part. Healthy pine trees accumulated more elements, other categories were accumulated by spruce; both species had a trend of decreasing their number with a decrease in the state of trees to the greatly weakened state. Among drying and dead standing trees, their amount of mineral elements slightly increased, but it was less than in healthy ones. With the weakening of the tree, the calcium content decreased and the content of heavy metals such as zinc and copper increased. The content of heavy metals in pine wood prevailed: the copper content was 4-7 times greater than in spruce wood, the lead content - 10-30 times.


N.V. Kilyusheva1, Candidate for a Degree
P.A. Feklistov1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
N.V. Ezhova2, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Deputy Forester
I.N. Bolotov1, Doctor of Biological Sciences
B.Yu. Filippov1, Doctor of Biological Sciences


1Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; е-mail:
2Primorye forest district of the Arkhangelsk forestry - branch of the Federal State Institution “Forestry and Nature Management Department” of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, pr. Sovetskikh Kosmonavtov, 181, bl. 1, off. 29, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation; e-mail:


mineral element, wood, category of state, crosscut end, accumulation, heavy metal

For citation

Kilyusheva N.V., Feklistov P.A., Ezhova N.V., Bolotov I.N., Filippov B.Yu. Comparative Analysis of Mineral Content in Pine and Spruce Wood. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 5, pp. 64–72. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.5.64


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Received on May 03, 2017

Comparative Analysis of Mineral Content in Pine and Spruce Wood


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