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Study into the Feasibility of Reducing Woodworking Equipment Vibration

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A.M. Buglaev, M.P. Bokacheva, V.V. Sivakov

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Increasing the efficiency of woodworking machinery is one of the most important tasks facing domestic enterprises in a highly competitive struggle with foreign manufacturers. The work objective is the study into the feasibility of reducing woodworking equipment vibration both at the design stage and in terms of its operation. The paper presents the theoretical information on calculation of vibratory acceleration and vibration velocity, dynamic system of the machine, main directions of reducing vibration in woodworking equipment. We have carried out the experimental studies using the modernized vibration stand BZH 4, designed to investigate the vibration of machinery and machines. The effectiveness of the vibration protection for each octave bandwidth has been assessed according to the results of measurements. The highest level of vibration is observed on the lower plane of the vibration isolation object directly contacting with the source of vibration. Somewhat lower level of vibration is observed on the profile planes towards the horizontal X and Y axes of the orthogonal coordinate system. Even lower the vibration level is on the upper plane of the vibration isolation object towards the Z axis. In the presence of vibration isolation modules the vibration is reduced by 5…20 %. The analysis of the research results demonstrates the conclusion on the possibility of considerable weight-saving and reduction in metal consumption of woodworking machines in the process of their designing and manufacturing. Additional opportunities for reducing vibration occur when the cutting tool is properly selected and operated.


A.M. Buglaev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor M.P. Bokacheva, Engineer V.V. Sivakov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor


Bryansk State Engineering Technological University, ul. Stanke Dimitrova, 3, Bryansk, 241037, Russian Federation; е-mail:,,


machine, vibration, woodworking, vibratory acceleration, reducing vibration.

For citation

Buglaev A.M., Bokacheva M.P., Sivakov V.V. Study into the Feasibility of Reducing Woodworking Equipment?Vibration. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 3, pp. 132 –142. 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.3.132


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Study into the Feasibility of Reducing Woodworking Equipment Vibration


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