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Filter Materials Based on Mineral Fibers with Biopolymer Layer

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O.S. Brovko, I.A. Palamarchuk, N.V. Sysoeva, N.A Val’chuk, T.A. Boytsova, K.G. Bogolitsyn, V.K. Dubovyy

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DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.1.186


The composite filter materials based on the mineral fibers and the polyelectrolyte complex were obtained. The modified organosilicone additive was introduced into the composition to enhance the retention of the membrane layer on the substrate and its hydrophobicity. This allowed us to obtain the surface biopolyelectrolyte layer in the form of membrane, which did not penetrate deep into the substrate. The alginate–chitosan and lignosulphonate–chitosan polyelectrolyte complexes were prepared by mixing in a certain volume ratio of aqueous solutions of anionic polyelectrolytes of lignosulphate or alginate and the acetic acid (the acid concentration is 2 %) solutions of cationic chitosan polyelectrolyte with the con-centration of 2.5 g/l. The complexes-sediments formed during the interpolymer complexing reaction were separated by centrifugation and were applied to a mineral substrate by the roller method with the subsequent drying process at constant humidity and room tempera-ture. The PEC retention in the composite structure during operation in different, including excited environments (pH 2–11) was evaluated by the quantity of anionic component eluted from the composite material within 24 hours. Performance characteristics (filtration effi-ciency, filtering capacity) of composite filtering materials were assessed using the model 1 % kaolin suspension, filtered through the composites. The obtained composite membranes are resistant to aggressive environments in a wide pH range and can be used for wastewater and natural water purification. The filtration efficiency and filtering capacity to a large ex-tent are determined by the type and composition of the membrane layers. Maximum effi-ciency and filtration rate are observed at the equimolar composition applying on the mineral substrate samples based on microfine glass fiber of the stoichiometrical biopolyelectrolyte complex. The developed composition of obtained filter materials increases the filtration ef-ficiency by 15 %.


O.S. Brovko1, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist I.A. Palamarchuk1, Candidate of Chemical Sciences N.V. Sysoeva2, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor N.A Val’chuk1, Postgraduate Student T.A. Boytsova1, Candidate of Chemical Sciences K.G. Bogolitsyn1,2, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor V.K. Dubovyy2, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor


1 Federal Center for Intergrated Arctic Research, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 23,
Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation; e-mail:
2 Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation;


filter material, mineral fiber, polyelectrolyte complex, chitosan, sodium alginate, sodium lignosulfonate

For citation

Brovko O.S., Palamarchuk I.A., Sysoeva N.V., Val’chuk N.A., Boytsova T.A., Bogolitsyn K.G., Dubovyy V.K. Filter Materials Based on Mineral Fibers with Biopolymer Layer. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 1, pp. 186–194


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Received on February 09, 2016

Filter Materials Based on Mineral Fibers with Biopolymer Layer


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